Report Fraud
Do you suspect fraud within one of DCF's programs? Report it today by selecting one of the options below.
Report suspected child abuse
Report concerns with program service delivery
Report concerns with child support
Report misuse of benefits (choose from programs below)
Work Programs
Wisconsin Works (W-2) is a time-limited program that provides temporary cash assistance and case management services to eligible low-income parents and pregnant women. W-2 is a work program for adults willing to engage in work activities.
DCF W-2 Complaints
Phone Number: 1-855-757-4539
Child Care
The Wisconsin Shares program helps families by paying a part of the cost of child care while parents are working or getting an education. If you suspect someone participating in the Wisconsin Shares program of committing fraud use the contact information below.
Phone Number: 1-877-302-3728
Refugee Services
If you would like to report any potential misuse of benefits or any other type of fraud committed by an individual or an organization against any DCF refugee program, please contact the Bureau of Refugee Programs directly.
FoodShare and Medicaid
If you suspect fraud in the Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) or FoodShare programs, please contact the Department of Health Services (DHS).
DHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) DHS Fraud Form.
Phone Number: 1-877-865-3432
If you suspect fraud in Unemployment Insurance, please contact the Department of Workforce Development (DWD).
DWD Unemployment Fraud
Phone Number: 1-800-909-9472