Green heart and hands iconImproving Child Welfare: Initial Assessment Improvement Project

The Initial Assessment Improvement Project (IAIP) is part of the Division of Safety and Permanence’s (DSP) Improving Child Welfare package – a collection of efforts aimed at better supporting families and the child welfare workforce by streamlining the work and centering family engagement. 

The IAIP has two primary goals: 

  1. Streamlining the Initial Assessment (IA) process and documentation; 
  2. and centering parents, caregivers and family voice in the IA process. 

IAIP changes are coming June 22 to support Child Protective Services (CPS) professionals and families. The Spring 2024 IAIP Update – a new resource from DSP – is now available to help child welfare professionals better understand what to expect between now and June.

The Spring 2024 IAIP Update includes information about:

  • The improvements coming June 22 through the eWiSACWIS release and updates to CPS Access and IA Standards.
  • Timelines.
  • Trainings and post-launch support.

The changes to streamline practice and documentation include the creation of a single statewide IA pathway comprised of the best elements of Traditional Response and Alternative Response (AR) practices and Actuarial documentation. Please note that local CPS agencies that were part of the AR pilot will continue to have the option to use the services needed/not needed maltreatment determination.

Additionally – because we know CPS involvement is often extremely stressful for families – this June release will also include an IA-specific information resource for IA professionals to share at the first point of contact. This short document will help explain CPS and the IA process to families and is a companion piece to the other Parent Information Project resources that were released last year (An Introduction to Child Welfare - For Parents, By Parents and Understanding the Language of Child Welfare - A Resource for Parents). 

This new document is not intended to replace information local CPS agencies may already provide families. Instead, it will be made available to ensure all agencies have a resource to share. Parents have asked for this kind of information, and Parent Leaders and the Intertribal Child Welfare (ICW) Committee collaborated with DSP to create these documents. The intention is that this information will be useful to parents and can help establish a positive working relationship right from the first contact.

Keep an eye out for this resource with the June release – and in the meantime, take a look at the Spring 2024 IAIP Update or watch DSP’s spring town hall to learn more about the IAIP improvements!