eWiSACWIS Reports - FAQ This page lists Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Answers to the most common questions asked for eWiSACWIS reports. What is eWReports? eWReports is the report distribution system for eWiSACWIS. All reports are available online to be viewed, printed or downloaded and saved locally. Current and limited versions of previous runs are available. More detailed information is available in the eWReports User Guide. Report access is managed internally by each County. eWReports utilizes the same security as eWiSACWIS - so login & password will be the same. In addition, the eWiSACWIS application provides a direct link to eWiSACWIS. How do I get a report and how are they distributed? On Demand Reports On Demand reports are requested in eWReports by using the "Request" button on the menu bar or via the Utilities menu. Before being able to request the report, you need to have access to the report. Contact your local Security Delegate or Report Authorizer, who will give you access to the report. Standard Batch Reports To request inclusion in the distribution of a Standard Report contact your local Security Delegate and/or report authorizer providing each Report ID and Report Name of the report(s) you wish to receive. Once you have been authorized, the requested report will display on the eWReports desktop the next time the requester logs in to eWReports. This is the same process to be followed if you no longer wish to subscribe to a particular report. How will I get my reports via eWReports? The eWReports desktop is ddided into three sections: Current Reports displays the last created version of every report to which you have access. Each report is displayed with a link showing the number and name of the report, the date on which it was run, and the actual file name. Archived Reports displays the most current version of each report as well as historical versions. Click on the expando by each report name to see all versions. Reports are displayed in descending date order, with the most current version listed first. On Demand Reports displays the output from all On Demand reports that you have requested. To access a report click on the report name. A window will pop up offering you the choice of saving the report to a directory or opening the report. Choosing the Save option allows you to save a copy of the report to whatever local directory you want. Choosing the Open option will download a copy of the report to your desktop, and open it in the dedicated format for the report. Once a report is opened it will be displayed in Excel, Word or PDF format and will have the same functionality as if it was sent via email. If I’m a Security Delegate or Reports Authorizer, how do I authorize reports via eWReports? Report authorization is limited to Authorized users. Security Delegates are, by default, Authorizers, and they can grant authorization rights to other inddiduals via a security request. To update Report authorizations, start on the main desktop of eWReports. Click on the Maintenance option listed at the far left of the menu bar. Security can be reviewed/modified by either User or Report. Security / By User allows you to authorize reports for a single user. Security / By Report allows you to review all users at your county who have access to a selected report. Are reports county or regional specific? Most eWiSACWIS reports are county specific.