KIDPOL Request

Use this form to contact the Bureau of Child Support with questions or requests.

Find child support program information by using the following resources on the Child Support Partner Resources (CSPR) site:

* (asterisk) Indicates Required Field - Non-required fields are helpful for defining your request. Please fill in additional fields as they apply.

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PAC Agenda Submission Form

Report and Research Requests and Troubleshooting

Tip: Can type enough to find the one desired agency and use Enter on keyboard to select

Subject Type Options

Please select an option below to choose a subject line.

Make A Selection
Make a Systems Choice:


Note: Job announcements are in a standard format, and the below fields follow the standard format (per the 5/08/17 Bulletin Board announcement). BCS will not attach a document which is why it has been disabled for job announcements, and all other description language should be included on the public job announcement listing your agency uses which is why the question/request field is disabled for job announcements. Please fill in the below fields and submit so BCS can review and send out the announcement.

If desired, additional information can be entered, such as 'commensurate with experience' or something like 'negotiated at hire' in lieu of providing a specific wage range; please ensure it matches, adds more information to and/or clarifies the the public job posting's site

Additional information, such as 8 AM - 4:30 PM M-F, can be included

Choose or start typing and then select a date in the first field below.

Select a time in 15 minute increments, in Central Time Zone in the second field.

Note: If a date is added, a time is required; if a time is added, a date is required.

If including, please enter contact person/department and information (such as phone number and/or email)

By checking this box, to expedite this request, you acknowledge that:

  1. The provided link to the public job announcement is the correct link
  2. This job announcement is verified as publicly posted on a public job announcement site before submitting this information to BCS
  3. All information provided matches the publicly available information on the public job announcement site vs. internal information which may differ

Note: BCS will not send out the announcement unless the above are true; BCS matches what is provided here with the public job announcement site to reduce reader confusion. Extra information can be included on this form that is not available on the public job posting site (such as contact person information).

This is for agency director and/or BCS management use only.

If you have a suggestion about the KIDPOL form, please describe below:

  • What is the issue, and why is it an issue?
  • How do you think it can be resolved?


Important: Systems access or deactivation often requires submission of a form that must be included with your request. In addition, not all forms are routed to BCS. Please either refer to the Child Support System Resource Guide or the relevant Factsheet on CSPR, and the specific form for directions on how to request and route access or deactivation requests for each system. Please do not submit a KIDPOL unless the directions indicate to do so, no other option exists, or you have a related question.


Note: CSAs must cooperate to ensure that decisions regarding case management benefit all parties and should only send the case information to BCS for research after exhausting efforts to resolve the case amongst themselves. In addition to detailing the question/request, you must provide a narrative of the steps you have taken to resolve this matter with the other county. Submissions without a narrative will be returned to the sender and will only be addressed once the appropriate narrative is provided.


If you're having issues with the selected system, proceed with submitting this KIDPOL. If you've also verified more than one person in your office is affected by a systems down issue and selected Control-D, CSOS, CSPR, DocGen, KIDS, Lien Docket Web, Virtel, Webi, or wiKIDS, submit the KIDPOL and contact the DCF service desk:

     Madison    - (608) 264-6323
     Milwaukee - (414) 264-6323
     Toll Free     - (855) 264-6323

Email Note: This address automatically creates a ticket.


If someone left or is new to the agency, proceed with providing the directory update, and also unsubscribe those who left as well as having any interested new staff sign up here at this link. If there are errors unsubscribing when using a browser other than Internet Explorer, then submit an unsubscribe email KIDPOL.


Go to this link and scroll down to unsubscribe (or subscribe) email addresses. Use unsubscribe and subscribe on that page if your email address changed, or if you stopped receiving the emails. Do not submit a KIDPOL unless there are issues using the above method; click the checkbox below and submit KIDPOL if there are issues when using a browser other than Internet Explorer. Remember to submit a Directory Update KIDPOL and any other relevant information or forms if this involves staff and/or name changes.

Note: It can take several hours for an unsubscribe to take effect; this may mean temporarily receiving duplicate emails if an an old email forwards to a new email.

If the above unsubscribe page did not work (as in you received error messages when submitting unsubscribe request when using another browser other than Internet Explorer), then provide up to five email addresses to unsubscribe below and BCS will manually unsubscribe for you. If you have more than five emails with errors, submit additional KIDPOLs just like this one submitting the emails.

No participant name, DOB, SSN, or address allowed

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If you receive an error message, enter the CAPTCHA characters again and submit.

DCF-F-5569-E (R. 06/2024)