
Cartoon image of two young early child care children sitting at a desk

Through the Preschool Development Grant, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) are currently offering the below resources and opportunities.


DCF has partnered with ParentPowered to roll out an evidence-based family engagement curriculum delivered via text messages. Each week, subscribers will receive short text messages with fun facts and easy tips on how to promote a child's development by building on existing family routines. Ready4K empowers parents as early learning partners by sparking everyday teachable moments. Learn more about how to sign up for ParentPowered.

T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships

Do you work in regulated early childhood or school age care settings? You might be eligible for a T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood® WISCONSIN scholarship. PDG has increased T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship funding - additional scholarships awards are available and there’s no wait-list!

  • Visit the WECA for more information and to apply.
Tips to Support the Mental Health of Our Children

Learn about tools and resources available to support Wisconsin’s early learners, families, caregivers, and instructional leaders.

WIDA Resources

WIDA Early Years eLearning Modules and Resources

WIDA Early Years eLearning provides free, online professional learning courses to early care and education (ECE) professionals in Wisconsin. These online professional learning resources focus on supporting young multilingual children in ECE settings. Six modules, that cover many different topics, are available to you. These modules include:

  • Dual Language Learners and Their Families (Registry Event ID: 830601)
  • Dual Language Learners with Disabilities (Registry Event ID: 830425)
  • Making Connections (Registry Event ID: 830608)
  • Scaffolding Language Learning (Registry Event ID: 830610)
  • Exploring WIDA Early Years Essential Actions (Registry Event ID: 830609)
  • Are we ready? What K-12 Educators Can Do to Support Young Multilingual Children (Registry Event ID: 830611)

Visit the WIDA portal to set up a WIDA Secure Portal account and access WIDA Early Years eLearning offerings. After a WIDA Secure Portal account has been created, go directly to the WIDA Secure Portal login page to begin your free, online professional development!

Once you have completed your training, be sure to submit a copy of your certificate to the Wisconsin Registry for credit!

*Check out this flyer for more information about this eLearning series. Extend your learning into the classroom by using WIDA Early Years Essential Actions Resource Kit.

WIDA Resource Library

Find WIDA Early Years resources in the WIDA Resource Library. Search by keyword(s) or select “Early Years” as the topic.

WIDA Store Discount

WIDA Early Years Member States get a 10% discount on Early Years products in the WIDA Store. Order online or by contacting the WIDA Store (for large orders and/or Purchase Orders).

  • Store website: WIDA store
  • Contact the WIDA Store at or toll free 1.877.272.5593 and mention you are from a WIDA Early Years Member State
  • Discount code: WIDAEYW
  • Are you looking for professional learning resources to help you support multilingual children and families? Look no further! As part of the PDG partnership with WIDA Early Years, you have free access to WIDA Early Years eLearning resources which include self-paced online modules and other resources.
Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) has new services – join today!

As an early childhood educator, you do vitally important work and deserve to have access to tools that make life easier. WEESSN’s goal is to make your professional life less stressful, so you can spend more time on your most important work: nurturing young children. 

WEESSN, a program of Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA), has done the legwork to find resources that will save you time and money. It offers:

  • FREE shared resources: Customizable templates, toolkits, policies, and checklists: budgets, tax tips, marketing, family engagement, digital hiring platform, discounted purchasing, and more!
  • Professional development, in English and Spanish
  • Monthly newsletters: WEESSN Wrap-Up and Farm to ECE
  • Educator Assistance Program (EAP): mental health, wellness, and professional services for child care providers and their families
  • Tax guides and tools for tax preparation specifically designed for child care businesses

It also offers WEESSN Plus Coaching to eligible programs, providing access to a WEESSN Business Coach over a 12- to 18-month period who can:

  • Suggest ways to stretch your budget
  • Explore affordable benefits to attract and retain staff
  • Discuss ways to enroll more children
  • Provide free professional development
  • Help you navigate both the tricky and the everyday parts of our field
  • Support you with understanding as someone who has lived experience in child care

WEESSN is 100% free and available to all regulated family and group programs in Wisconsin. Learn more by checking out WECA’s website.

Wisconsin Registry Coupons

The Wisconsin Registry’s mission is to develop and implement a comprehensive approach to career development, promote member’s professional growth and contribute to workforce data and research. Membership with the Wisconsin Registry is a requirement of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. Through PDG funds, the Wisconsin Registry provides coupons for all individual providers working at regulated child care programs with free membership or renewal to the Wisconsin Registry. Learn more about how to take advantage of this resource below.

Who qualifies to use the coupon?

All individuals, who are currently employed at a regulated child care program in Wisconsin AND have their current employer listed on their Registry Profile, are eligible to use the coupon (see Step 3 on the guide for using the coupon code on the Wisconsin Registry website).

How long will the coupon be available?

The coupon will be available only as funding allows. We estimate funding for this coupon to last several months, depending on the number of individuals who use the coupon. To track the amount of funding that is available for this coupon, please go to the coupon page on our website. The Wisconsin Registry will also send future communications regarding the amount of available funding.

What do I need to do to use the coupon?

Follow the steps on the guide for using the coupon code on the Wisconsin Registry website to use the PDG2022 coupon code and submit your membership application and supporting documentation. Please take your time to submit an accurate membership application.

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