February 20 Child Care Provider Updates
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Governor Evers 2025-2027 Biennial Budget Addresses Child Care Issues
On Tuesday, February 18, Governor Evers delivered his 2025-27 Biennial Budget address, stating that “Wisconsinites also need the Legislature to get serious about lowering out-of-pocket costs for child care this session. No more excuses, folks. Putting two young kids in child care in Wisconsin costs more than the average rent or mortgage. In 2023, child care costs consumed as much as a third of a family’s household income. Our workforce and economy can’t afford more parents leaving their jobs because they can’t afford child care. Let’s invest in our child care providers so they can hire more staff, reduce wait lists, and lower the cost of child care so we can get working parents and families a little more breathing room in their household budgets. That’s a win-win-win-win for our kids, our families, our workforce, and our state.” View his complete remarks and video.
Child Care Regulation Applications Are Now Online!
The application to become a regulated provider (initial licensed or certified) is now available online. Individuals interested in becoming regulated can now complete their initial application electronically, rather than on paper. This new system will streamline the process for new providers while offering support every step of the way.
If you are interested in starting a new certified or licensed child care center, see our webpages for more information. To get started, you will first complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) in the Child Care Provider Portal (CCPP). Then, you’ll be connected with the appropriate pre-licensing agency to complete the pre-licensing process, or the appropriate certification agency to complete your orientation process. Once you are ready to apply, you’ll be able to access the online application through the CCPP.
Information for existing providers:
License continuation applications, recertification applications, and relocation applications are not available through the CCPP at this time.
- Licensed providers: Continuation paperwork will still be sent via mail for licensed programs.
- Certified providers: Certification agencies will reach out to certified providers prior to their expiration date.
If you are interested in relocating your child care program, please contact your assigned Certification agency or Licensing Specialist.
Learn more about becoming a regulated child care provider:
Get Ready for the February Child Care Counts Update Period
The next update/application period is March 1-9. Organize your records now so you are ready for the update/application week. You must review and update your application every month. You risk overpayment if you don’t properly update your application. See the Child Care Counts Calendar for future Count and Update Weeks.
If you need assistance, please email DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov or call and speak with a Support Center Specialist at 608-535-3650, M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Upcoming Events and Education/Training Opportunities
The below events are hosted by DCF, one of its partners, or is one that may be relevant to the early childhood field. Click/tap on the titles below to learn more about each event.
Free Toilet Training Webinar
- Learning to use the toilet can seem like a big task. Learn strategies from the Parents Place to support you and your toddler to be successful.
- Monday, February 24 | Virtual - 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
- Register today!
- Please contact Ann-Marie St John with any questions. 262-549-5575 or astjohn@parentsplacewi.org
Quality Conversations: YoungStar Connect Office Hours: Introduction to Formal Ratings and Creating a Child-Friendly Space
- Live session March 31 | 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Register at the Wisconsin Registry. Registration closes on March 28, 2025.
- Spanish interpretation available.
- Questions? Contact Maria Matrak at mmatrak@youngstarconnect.com
ECHC Podcast: “How to Think and Talk About Digital Media”
- Teachers, Toddlers & Tissues Episode 24: “How to Think and Talk About Digital Media”
- Putting those ever-present screens away can be challenging for children and adults alike. Learn why it’s important to talk about healthy digital media use, what happens when screen-time disconnects us from real-time, and how we can talk about and model healthy digital behavior for our kids…without shaming and blaming. Listen now.