When an Emergency Assistance (EA) applicant submits an application through ACCESS, WWP users can view the application from the EA ACCESS Inbox page. The EA ACCESS Inbox displays unprocessed applications associated with your agency.
Access the EA ACCESS Inbox by clicking Agency Tools on the navigation toolbar, then clicking the EA ACCESS inbox button.
- ACCESS Tracking Number
This number is associated with the application and remains throughout the application process.
- Application Information
The Application Date is the date the application was submitted in ACCESS. If the application was submitted after 4:30pm or on non-working days, the Application Date sets as the following working day. The County is the county in which the applicant resides based on the information entered in ACCESS.
The date and time listed is the appointment selected by the applicant in ACCESS. If No displays rather than a date and time, the applicant did not schedule an appointment in ACCESS. If the date is in yellow font, the appointment date the applicant selected is either the current date or has passed and is overdue.
- Edit Button
Clicking the pencil icon allows workers to access the Edit EA ACCESS Inbox Details page, edit the worker scheduled appointment from NO to YES, and identify group members. Click anywhere on the row to view the EA ACCESS Inbox Details page as read-only.
- Assign Worker Button
The person icon allows the application to be assigned or reassigned. The assigned worker’s name displays under the Assigned Worker column.
- Create EA Button
The paper icon processes the EA Application once all EA Group Members have a PIN that exists in WWP. Once the EA application has been processed, the application inbox row moves to the History section and the application is In Progress in the PIN’s EA Application History page.
- Sorting
Sort the applications in the inbox by County and/or by Application Date in ascending or descending order. The EA ACCESS Inbox page defaults to oldest Application Date, oldest ACCESS Appt date, and then no appointment date.