Legal Issues page
The “Legal Issues” page of the informal assessment asks questions about legal issues and required court appearances for the participant and their family. The information collected in this section can help you determine what follow up steps to take with the participant. You can track these action items using the "Action Needed app". As with each page of the informal assessment, there is a space at the bottom of the page where you can capture any other information that you feel will be helpful for case management.
Below, you can find information on the following topics related to the “Legal Issues” page:
- Case Management Benefits and Resources
Legal issues may affect the participant’s ability to participate in work or work activities. A “Community Corrections Agent” is a potential collaborating partner in case management. You may be able to include some required supervision activities in the Employability Plan. Referrals to outside resources may assist the participant with resolving or managing these issues.
Additional resources that may be helpful:
- Adding a Contact
If you will need to collaborate with a “Community Corrections Agent”, you can record their contact information using the Contacts app, shown below:
For more information on how to manage contacts, see "Manage contact(s) associated with a page".
- Action Needed app
Use the “Action Needed app” to track tasks related to the “Legal Issues” page for either you or the participant. You will see some suggested tasks listed on the page:
- Coordinate with Community Corrections Agent
- Refer for Legal Assistance
- Refer to External Agency
As always, there is an “Other” option where you can record a task that is not listed above. See the "Action Needed app" page for more details.
- Notes
At the bottom of each page of the informal assessment, there is a “Notes” field. This is where you can record any additional information about “Legal Issues” that you feel will be relevant for case management, including information that doesn’t directly relate to any of the questions asked earlier on the page. General information about the participant or family should still be captured using “PIN comments” or “Case Comments”.
Each time you visit the “Legal Issues” page, you will see whatever information was entered in the “Notes” field the last time the page was saved.
- If you see information that is no longer relevant, you can delete it or – if needed – replace it with new information. Previously saved “Notes” will still be accessible through history for the “Legal Issues” page.
- If the information you see is still relevant, you can leave the existing text in the “Notes” field and – if needed – add additional information.
To get a sense of when “Notes” were originally entered and updated, you can access history for the “Legal Issues” page via the “Informal Assessment Summary”.
- Help for Individuals with Read-only Access
If you have read-only access to the “Legal Issues” page, you will able to see the response selected for each question. However, in cases where the question included a list of options, it may be helpful to see the full list of choices. Below is a list of questions like this on the “Legal Issues” page, including all the potential responses:
- Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony?
- Type
- Felony
- Misdemeanor
- Type
- Do you have any pending charges?
- Type
- Felony
- Misdemeanor
- Type
- When deleting a conviction, the following “Delete Reasons” are available:
- Conviction is expunged
- Entered in error
- Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony?