WWP Help Center – Contacts app – Manage contact(s) associated with a page

The following document explains how to manage the contact(s) associated with a particular page. It covers the following topics:

What is an embedded contact?

An embedded contact is a contact that is associated with a particular page of the informal assessment. For example, on the “Work Programs” page of the informal assessment, you can add a contact that is tied to a particular work program that the participant has been involved with:

Embedded contact

If the contact is no longer associated with that page – maybe this participant got a new case manager for the WIOA program – but you don’t want to delete this contact, you can use the clear icon to disassociate the contact from the “Work Programs” page.

Clear icon

Once you hit the clear icon, you will notice that the contact is no longer displayed on the “Work Programs” page:

Blank embed view

However, it is still saved in the contacts list for that participant:

Contact in Contact List

Embedded contacts allow you to associate or disassociate a contact from a particular page without deleting it from the “Contacts app” as a whole.

Which pages include embedded contacts?

The following pages of the informal assessment allow you to add an embedded contact:

  • Work Programs
     Embedded contact on Work Programs page
  • Legal Issues
     Embedded contact on Legal Issues page
  • Child and Youth Supports
     Embedded contact on Child and Youth Supports page
  • Family Barriers
     Embedded contact on Family Barriers page
  • NCP Referral
     Embedded contact on NCP Referral page
  • Career Assessmentembedded contact on NCP Referral page

You can also add a contact from the following apps...

  • When adding a job via the "Work History app":
    Embedded contact in the Work History app
  • When adding a barrier via the "Participant Barriers app":
     Embedded contact in the Participant Barriers app

Be sure to select the “Contact Title” that fits the best for the page where you are embedding the contact.

Working with embedded contacts

If no contact has been added to a page, you can add a new contact by click the “+” sign:

Plus sign

If you want to associate an existing contact with this page, you can do this by click on the magnifying glass icon:

Magnifying glass icon

This will bring you to a list of all the existing contacts for that participant:

Select contact

Once a contact has been added or selected, you can edit it by clicking the pencil icon:

Pencil icon

You can remove its association with the page by clicking the clear icon:

Clear icon

You can delete the contact from WWP by clicking the trashcan icon:

Trash can icon

You will receive a prompt confirming that you want to delete the contact – but once it has been deleted, it can be recovered.

To view the full details of a contact, click on the contact’s name:

Contact Name

Finally, if you want to return to the contact list, click on the address book icon:

Address Book icon

See Also: