View a list of contacts

To view a list of all the contacts that have been added for a participant, go to the “Case Management” menu and click on “Contacts”.

Case Management Menu

From this view, you will see all the participant’s contacts displayed in a single list:

Contacts List

Click on any contact in the list to see the full contact details. Only “Name”, “Contact Title”, “Phone Number”, and “Email Address” are displayed in list view.

If more than five contacts have been added for the participant, you will see five contacts displayed per page. Use the arrow icons below the list to move between pages:


From this view, you can also:

Search for a contact

You can search for a contact using the search bar pictured below:

Search Bar

Sort the contacts list

By default, the contacts list is sorted in alphabetical order by contact title, as shown below:

Contacts in Alphabetical Order

You can reverse the sort order by clicking on the “Sort by Title” button, as shown below:

Sort by Title

You can also choose to sort the list in alphabetical order by name by clicking the “Sort by Name” button:

Sort by Name

Click the “Sort by Name” button again to display the list in reverse the sort order.

Add a contact

To add a contact, click the “Add Contact” button:

Add Contact button

For more information about adding a contact, see " Add or edit a contact".

Edit a contact

To edit an existing contact, click the pencil icon next to the contact you want to edit:

Pencil icon

For more information about editing a contact, see " Add or edit a contact".

Delete a contact

You can delete a contact by clicking on the trashcan icon next to the contact:

Trash can icon

After you click the trashcan icon, you will see a prompt asking you to confirm that you want to delete the contact:

Are you sure
If you confirm that you want to delete the contact, there will be no way to recover the contact’s information. You should only delete a contact if you are sure that the information will no longer be needed.

See Also: