Noncustodial Parent Services I am a parent, but my children don’t live with me. What services are available for me? If your children don’t live with you, you are considered a noncustodial parent. Wisconsin offers many services to help low-income noncustodial parents become self-sufficient and able to pay child support. W-2 Employment Services If the other parent of your child is participating in Wisconsin Works (W-2) or receiving Wisconsin Shares child care assistance, you may be eligible to receive services through W-2. A worker at a W-2 Agency will determine if you are eligible. W-2 services include: Case management services and job search assistance that can help you find a job, keep a job, or get a better job; Education and training that can help you to earn your GED, HSED, or a career certificate; Job access loans that can help you pay for job-related expenses such as buying or repairing a car or buying special equipment for a job; Stipends that can help you prepare for work through participation in W-2 activities; and Job training with a Trial Employment Match Program employer who may hire you permanently. To find a W-2 agency near you, please visit the Find Your Local W-2 Agency page. Subsidized Employment Subsidized employment for noncustodial parents is available through the Transform Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs programs. If you want to work, but don’t have the skills or training to help you succeed in the workplace, you may be a good candidate for subsidized employment. If you meet certain criteria, a local agency will place you at a work site that provides on-the-job experience that can help you get a permanent job. To find a local agency near you, please visit the Find Your Local Transform Milwaukee Jobs Agency page or visit the Find Your Local Transitional Jobs Agency page.