YoungStar Quality Adjustment

YoungStar Quality Adjustment Information

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The legislature has allocated funding to resume the YoungStar quality adjustment system for 4 and 5 Star providers who care for children enrolled in the Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy program. This system started again in January 2024 and percentages are adjusted based on the state fiscal year and available funding. 

Child Care Consumer Statement

When choosing child care, there are many factors to consider including types of care, price, availability, quality of care, and location. The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) has numerous resources available to help parents choose the best child care option to fit their family’s needs.

MyWIChildCare Tips for Parents

MyWIChildCare Tips and Other Useful Information for Parents

MyWIChildCare EBT Card

The Department of Children and Families is committed to helping parents understand their Wisconsin Shares child care subsidy. Since late 2016, the MyWIChildCare EBT card has made it easier than ever for parents to pay for child care and get the most out of their subsidy.

Here's a list of additional tips and other information that you might find helpful:

Inclusion Training

DCF Created Inclusion Trainings and Presentations

blue people icon

The following trainings and presentations are available for the purpose of informing, supporting and assisting the important work that child care programs are doing to include children with disabilities and other special needs.

Support for Families Experiencing Homelessness

Support for Families Experiencing Homelessness

paper cutout family

The Department of Children and Families uses a multi-generational approach to support families who are experiencing homelessness. The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 created provisions to bridge the barriers families experiencing homelessness have when accessing high-quality care. YoungStar is working to assist child care providers with identifying and supporting all families in need.

Finding High-Quality Child Care

Finding High-Quality Child Care


Since becoming a parent, perhaps even before, you have been learning about how children develop. As your child has grown, it didn't take long to see how important a quality learning environment, with caring adults, is for their development. 

Plain Talk for Parents

Plain talk for parents sheet

Plain Talk for Parents

Plain Talk information sheets provide parents with easy-to-read information around child development and growth.