Wisconsin Shares Children Served by Age Group Read more about Wisconsin Shares Children Served by Age Group Monthly report on number of children and families served by the Wisconsin Shares program, as well as the expenditure amounts.
Wisconsin Shares Expenditures by Quarter Read more about Wisconsin Shares Expenditures by Quarter Wisconsin Shares Child Care Expenditures by quarter, from 2008 to the present.
Wisconsin Shares Children Served by County Read more about Wisconsin Shares Children Served by County Monthly report on number of children and families served by the Wisconsin Shares program, as well as the expenditure amounts.
Wisconsin Shares Statistical Reports Read more about Wisconsin Shares Statistical Reports Monthly report on number of children and families served by the Wisconsin Shares program, as well as the expenditure amounts.
Aumento de tarifas de Wisconsin Shares - Spanish Wisconsin Shares Rate Increase Aumento de tarifas de Wisconsin Shares (Wisconsin Shares Rate Increase) English A partir del 1 de enero de 2022, muchas familias verán un aumento en el monto del subsidio mensual de Wisconsin Shares en su tarjeta EBT MyWIChildCare. Este aumento se reflejará en los beneficios que se entreguen después del 1 de enero de 2022.
Wisconsin Shares Rate Increase Wisconsin Shares Rate Increase Información en español Effective January 1, 2022, many families will see an increase in the monthly Wisconsin Shares subsidy amount on their MyWIChildCare EBT card. This increase will be reflected in benefits issued after January 1, 2022.
How to Schedule a Child Care Authorization Appointment - Guide for Families How to Schedule an Authorization Appointment - Guide for Families Note: This feature is for Milwaukee County families only. Use the Parent Portal to schedule a phone or in-person appointment with an agency worker to discuss a child care authorization request, child care payment issue, or other authorization-related concerns. To schedule an appointment, you must have an open child care case.
Tribal Worker Resources - Certification Workers Tribal Worker Resources - Certification Workers The following are tools and resources for all Tribal Certification workers.
Información sobre el subsidio Wisconsin Shares para proveedores de cuidado infantil - Wisconsin Shares for Parents Información sobre el subsidio Wisconsin Shares para proveedores de cuidado infantil (Wisconsin Shares Subsidy Information for Child Care Providers) Los proveedores de cuidado infantil interesados en aceptar Wisconsin Shares o que actualmente aceptan Wisconsin Shares pueden encontrar recursos adicionales haciendo clic en los títulos que se presentan abajo.
Subsidio de cuidado infantil para padres - Wisconsin Shares Parent Information Subsidio de cuidado infantil para padres (Child Care Subsidy for Parents) Si desea solicitar Wisconsin Shares o es un padre que actualmente recibe el subsidio de cuidado infantil Wisconsin Shares, haga clic en los títulos que se presentan abajo para obtener más información sobre el programa.