Transitional Jobs (TJ)

Have you been unemployed for four or more weeks and do not qualify for Unemployment Insurance? Transitional Jobs (TJ) can help you get a job and build skills for professional success!

The TJ program gives you an opportunity to:

  • Earn income;
  • Build skills in a high-demand field; and
  • Grow a positive work history.

How can TJ help me?

TJ offers activities and services that are in line with your work goals while helping you get a job. Services include:

smiling woman wearing a headset
  • Job training;
  • Education;
  • Help finding a job;
  • Funds for bills before getting your first paycheck;
  • Job counseling and support;
  • Transportation assistance; and
  • Supplies needed for work (uniform vouchers, boots, tools, and more).
Do I qualify?

You may qualify for TJ if you:

If you meet the above program requirements, to participate you also must be either:

  • A parent required to pay child support;
  • A parent with a plan for your child(ren) to return home from foster care;
  • A parent who has been convicted of a past crime; or
  • Younger than 25 and have no children or were in out-of-home care at or after age 16.

Your local TJ agency is here to answer questions and will help you determine if you are eligible. Find contact information on the "Find Your Local Transitional Jobs Agency" page.

How do I apply?

Use the Find Your Local Transitional Jobs Agency page to find the agency in your region to apply.

What happens after I apply?
  1. After applying, your agency will help you see if you qualify.
  2. Once in TJ, you will prepare for work through courses like resume writing, workplace skills training, and balancing life and work.
  3. You will get real job experience by working with local employers, this is called onsite work training.
  4. After completing onsite training, you may become a full-time employee where you did training, or TJ will help you use your new skills to find the right job for you.
More Resources

There are a variety of resources available to help you succeed. Learn more below!

Participant Stories

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Mike's Story

“My recovery from substance abuse, and my lengthy but successful reintegration into society, including becoming a good employee, father, and friend, would not be possible without TJ.”

After being incarcerated for 22 months, Mike joined the TJ program and the Workforce Advancement Initiative Program. Through TJ, Mike started with a humble, but qualified job, and got income support conditioned on continued employment. While Mike was working, the program paid for Mike to regain certification in his original career.

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Dahlia's Story

Dahlia lived in a rural community and joined TJ to become financially stable. She was motivated to regain custody of her children as she focused on her sobriety.

Ready to work, Dahlia was hired at a restaurant. The TJ program bought Dahlia a new bike to help her get to work. After facing eviction, she worked with her TJ support system to apply for jobs in Menominee and find new housing.

Dahlia discovered she was pregnant and her TJ team referred her to Wisconsin Works for additional support. While transitioning to Wisconsin Works, Dahlia was still motivated to build her skills and was very active in participating.

Now, Dahlia is working, has a place to live, has given birth to a healthy baby, and has resumed custody of her other children. Dahlia said, “it is because of the support system from all the TJ staff and your hard work of advocating for housing that has helped me get my life back on track. Thank you all for everything that you have done to help me stay clean, find employment, and get my children back!”

Participant names were changed for privacy.