Learn more about using Wisconsin child welfare data

Using Data in Child Welfare and Youth Justice Practice

Child Welfare practice is documented in the case management database eWiSACWIS. Data is provided back to agencies to allow for an understanding of caseload. Use this page to learn how to find and use data related to your agency’s child welfare and youth justice cases.

Find Data Related To Your Caseload

There are a number of child welfare dashboards that may be found in eWiSACWIS. These dashboards are web pages where you may learn about a topic of interest (e.g. Access, or Workload Management). The eWReports User Guide provides a description of the dashboards. This guide also has instructions on how to access the dashboards. 

There are many reports available in eWReports that summarize information workers enter in eWiSACWIS. These reports are usually formatted as spreadsheets.

eWiSACWIS Knowledge Web

The eWiSACWIS Knowledge Web provides user guides and videos to assist with child welfare case work. It is also accessible in the Quick Links tab within eWiSACWIS.

Lunch & Learn Sessions

Listen in and ask questions during Lunch & Learn conversations. These talks are to assist staff in learning more about their agency’s casework. A DCF Research Analyst will provide an overview of a data report or dashboard. A question/answer period will follow.

If you have suggestions on reports or dashboards to be featured, please make a request to: DCFCWRA@wisconsin.gov.

Discussion Topic Invitees Date Time
Placement Activity & Detail Report eWiSACWIS Users 9/30/2021
11:30am - 12:30pm

Working With Child Welfare Reports Within Microsoft Excel

Child Welfare Reports are usually presented in large spreadsheets that allow users to further review data. It may be helpful to have the following base understanding of how to work with Microsoft Excel:

Getting To Know Your Data

Each report begins with a Report Info tab providing a high-level description of:

  • What the report population is
  • What is included in each worksheet
  • The suggested use

A detailed description of each report including the definitions of each variable is also available. Please reference page 6 of The eWReports User Guide to learn how to access this documentation.