Child Welfare Professional Data Resources Additional data sources providing information you may find helpful in making data-driven decisions. This is a combination of external data sources and available DCF resources. External sources (External) are created by external stakeholders and are not maintained or hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF). These sources provide not only nationwide, state, county child and family demographics, socioeconomic status numbers, maps, and dashboards but includes Wisconsin specific data resources. Resources not designated as external link to other pages or documents within this web site. Population Data The Easy Access to Juvenile Populations: 1990-2020 (EZAPOP) provides a means to determine the child population by year, race, ethnicity, gender, and county. The data included in this site is based on estimates from the U.S. Census. This source is useful when comparing an agency's child welfare population with the overall county population, such as when reviewing the extent of racial disproportionality in one's area. (External) The Community Opportunity Map (COM), developed by Community Attributes Inc. and customized for Casey Family Programs, is an interactive mapping platform displaying publicly available community data in user-specified geographic areas across the United States. Community characteristics have an impact on child abuse and neglect rates in communities, separate from the influence of individual family characteristics. Ecological factors can provide benefits or pose risks to families through such mechanisms as social support, economic distress, residential stability, lack of formal and informal community resources, and community norms related to parenting. (External) Program Data Wisconsin Risk and Reach Project Dashboard provides information about county-level risk factors and the reach of publicly funded programs designed to support children, birth to 5, and their families. The interactive data may be used to assess potential gaps in services by county, by tribal nation boundaries, and across the state. (External) Putting Families First Data Dashboard highlights Wisconsin county data relevant to keeping children in-home or placed in family settings. Its intended purpose is to share with local stakeholders, to identify trends, and to inform decisions. The dashboard provides detailed information on screen-in/screen-out numbers, removals/discharges, open placements, and racial disparity. For more information, see the Putting Families First Dashboard Guide Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (PDS) Wisconsin Child Welfare Dashboard TutorialsFamiliarize yourself with the data currently available to you in the Wisconsin Child Welfare Dashboards and how to navigate as well as filter this data. (External) Using Excel to analyze Wisconsin Child Welfare ReportsDevelop your Excel skills to better review data available within eWReports for the purpose of better understanding your caseload and viewing county trends. There are four Child Welfare Excel Videos. (External) eWiSACWIS Web-based Training ModulesThese eWiSACWIS modules provide child welfare and youth justice professionals with an introduction and resource to the features and basic functionality within eWiSACWIS. Access to these modules require login and password. (External)