Child Protective Services Alternative Response Pilot In January 2010, the Wisconsin State Legislature approved a pilot program to implement an Alternative Response (AR) pathway as part of the child protective services (CPS) Initial Assessment (IA) process in Wisconsin. The AR pilot established a second pathway for responding to and conducting an IA with certain families. A total of 22 county child welfare agencies participated in the pilot. In 2016 and 2017, DCF contracted with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Social Work to conduct an evaluation of the pilot (see the AR Analyses and Evaluations below). Based on the results of the evaluation, in combination with learnings from the pilot counties, it was determined that AR would not be implemented statewide. This decision was communicated via an Informational Memo in December 2020. In June 2024, the Initial Assessment Improvement Project launched a new single statewide IA pathway that blends elements of traditional CPS Initial Assessment expectations and AR practices. These changes align with Putting Families First goals by centering, partnering, and engaging with families throughout the IA process, and included updating the CPS Access and Initial Assessment Standards with key components from AR. The updated standards reflect that parents/caregivers can be the first point of contact in an IA and highlight the importance of providing parents/caregivers information about CPS and the IA process right from the first meeting (also available in Spanish and Hmong). Alternative Response Pilot Evaluations and Analyses Wisconsin Alternative Response Evaluation Interim Report provides the results of the alternative response process evaluation completed by the Institute for Child and Family Well-Being at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Wisconsin Alternative Response Evaluation Outcome Report presents the results of the alternative response outcome evaluation completed by the Institute for Child and Family Well-Being at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Alternative Response (AR) Evaluation Overview and Highlights presents an overview of the AR Process Evaluation and AR Outcome Evaluation. Alternative Response (AR) Evaluation Post-Hoc Analysis offers county-specific rates of assignment over time (quarterly average) produced by the AR Evaluation Team. Alternative Response Post-Hoc Race Analysis is the Race/Ethnicity Association to Pathway Assignment and Reassignment results produced by the AR Evaluation Team. AR Pilot Reports Wisconsin’s Alternative Response Pilot Report to the Legislature is the report to the legislature about the Alternative Response Pilot. Report of the Experience, Findings, and Recommendations from the Alternative Response Pilot and Think Tank provides information on the process and conclusions of the AR Think Tank. Alternative Response Think Tank Overview and Highlights offers key takeaways from the Wisconsin Alternative Response pilot and the AR Think Tank. AR Supporting Policy Addendum to the Child Protective Services Access and Initial Assessment Standards: the program requirements and guidelines.