June 6 Child Care Provider Updates

May Child Care Counts: Late Applications Accepted

DCF received several inquiries from providers who were unable to submit their May Child Care Counts applications before the application deadline. DCF is allowing an opportunity for late application submission. Late-submitted applications will be reviewed on a delayed schedule, and approved applications will receive payment on June 30.

If you intended to complete your application, but were unable to submit prior to the deadline, please contact the Child Care Counts Support Center at DCFDECECOVID19CCPayments@wisconsin.gov or 608-535-3650 prior to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 9.

The Support Center will work with providers to submit applications. You must contact the Support Center no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 9 for assistance.

Reminder: Providers must be approved for funding during one of the first four (4) months to be eligible for future payments. The program’s funding will not allow for providers to join the program after the August 2023 payment round.  If you wish to participate in Child Care Counts Stabilization Round 3, you must submit an application and be approved for payment during at least one of the May, June, July, or August 2023 payment rounds.

Child Care Counts Información en español.

Voluntary Payment Agreement (VPA) Submission Process Change

There is a change to the VPA submission process for agencies and child care providers. Please fill out the DCF VPA Repayment Agreement Spreadsheet for VPA requests that exceed 5 lines and include the completed VPA form with provider signature. Send all VPA forms and requests to the Program Integrity Team at childcare@wisconsin.gov. Please send questions to sydney.denhartigh@wisconsin.gov. You can find the DCF VPA Repayment Agreement Spreadsheet in the Forms Repository.

Review and Update Staff Wisconsin Registry Profiles

Did you know it is a good idea to review your program’s and individual Registry profiles and update them regularly? Having accurate information in the Wisconsin Registry helps maintain compliance. And accurate data in the Wisconsin Registry helps guide important policy decisions that impact the child care industry.

Keep your center’s information current by reviewing and updating your Program Profile and supporting your staff in updating their information for:

  1. Verification records of high school diploma
  2. Documentation of required work experience for the position
  3. Documentation of pre-service training requirements

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has provided funding through the Preschool Development Grant so that individuals employed at a regulated program can use the coupon code PDG2023 to join The Registry or renew membership for free. For more information on maintaining your Registry profile and staff records, see the Wisconsin Registry Program Profile webpage.

Additional Resources

  • Direct Care Program Toolkit – This toolkit is designed to assist Directors, Site Supervisors, and Family Child Care Owners navigate the Wisconsin Registry. It provides information on the Wisconsin Registry, Registry Personal Profiles, Registry Program Profiles, and more.
  • Maintaining A Registry Program Profile Support Guide – This guide provides information on maintaining a Program Profile including supports for accessing a Program Profile, managing classrooms, and utilizing Program Profile reports. The Staff Preliminary Position Qualification report that confirms if an employee preliminarily qualifies for a licensing position so they can be used in a classroom is included.

Child Care Foundational Training Postcard Certificates

Starting June 1, 2023, Child Care Foundational Training postcard certificates (formerly known as entry level postcards) will be available electronically. No more waiting for your postcard certificate in the mail!

The electronic Child Care Foundational Training postcard certificate will include the same information as before, such as your name, title of training, Training Sponsor Organization, date completed, and number of training hours. Two new features include the Registry ID Number in the lower left corner and a QR code in the lower right corner. The QR code is a security measure to help prevent fraud. Check out this document which further explains the features of your electronic Child Care Foundational Training postcard certificate.

As a Registry account holder, you can access your Child Care Foundational Training Certificate(s) with the following steps:

  1. Log in to your personal Registry account.
  2. Click on the Reports tab.
  3. Click on the Child Care Foundational Training Certificate(s) report.

If you are having trouble logging in to your Registry Account, use this support guide for quick tips on how to best troubleshoot.

For more information on accessing your Child Care Foundational Training Certificate(s), reference the Registry’s Child Care Foundational Training Certificate Support Guide.

If you have any questions, please contact the Wisconsin Registry Team.

Reminder: Child Care Immunization Assessment

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has emailed the 2023 Child Care assessment booklet to all licensed child care centers and camps that care for children ages 2-4. The booklet includes instructions for completing this assessment. Please submit this assessment online by June 16, 2023. You may reach out to Laura Gregor with any questions at lauraa.gregor@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Child Care Assessment Resources

Reminder: DECE is Hiring Multiple Positions

DCF/Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) is hiring.

  • Bureau of Early Care Regulation Deputy Director-Career Executive
    This position oversees the administration of regulated child care, assisting in the development and implementation of policies and procedures to ensure effective and consistent implementation of child care regulation statewide. The Deputy Bureau Director directs and coordinates the regions’ licensing and regulation functions with other Bureau and Division programs and with other Divisions and offices within the Department. The deadline to apply for this position is June 11. 
  • The Bureau of Early Care Regulation is recruiting to fill a 50 percent License/Permit Program Associate -Senior position in their Green Bay office. This position provides full range complex and advanced paraprofessional, administrative, and program support for the regional licensing program, the regional licensing manager, and the regional licensing/certification specialists. The deadline to apply for this position is June 11.

The Department of Children and Families offers excellent benefits and a flexible, hybrid work environment, with many positions having the ability to work primarily remote. To learn more, view all open DCF positions, and to apply, visit Wisc.Jobs.