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Submitted messages of thanks

Below you will find the most recently submitted thank yous. You can use the feed to make sure your message went through and see who else is thanking their early care educators.

Thank you for being YOU!



Thank you for working soo hard with continuing t educate yourself so that yo can continue to touch the lives of our children of the future!
What you do is AMAZING!



Thank you for working hard and being a great educator and example for your families.
What you do is AMAZING!



Thank you for going above and beyond for the families you service, all while completing your masters degree.
What you do is AMAZING!

Elba Contreras


thank you for being amazing at what you do, I have seen you go above and beyond for the families you service, you are a great example!
Thank you for all that you do.



Thank you for being a consistent hard worker for your families and team !
Thank you for being YOU!



Thank you for growing and expanding your view of educating and supporting the families in the community you service.
What you do is AMAZING!



Thank you for supporting your families through a time when you may have needed support yourself, thank you for putting yourself aside and focusing on the needs of your clients, and being the best you that life has allowed you to become.
Thank you for making a difference.



Hi Ms. Elizabeth,
We wanted to say that you inspire us as parents and humans to battle our ups and downs with a smile on our faces.
You have kept our spirits up without fail through the pandemic-related transitions. We wish we can reciprocate our kindness and generosity.

Shalini Prabuddh Yog
You're an incredible child care educator!



Hi Ms. Caitlin,
Thank you for being a generously creative and playful teacher. Watching your story-telling-videos countless times were great means of joy to Yog while we were at home away from his friends and teachers. Thank you for staying connected to us in various ways.
Shalini Prabuddh Yog
Thank you for all that you do.



Thank you so much for being the afternoon shift.