Affirmative Action Contract Compliance

file folder with documents inside

As required by Wisconsin's Contract Compliance Law (s. 16.765, Wis. Stat.), every contractor contracting with the State of Wisconsin must agree to equal employment and affirmative action policies and practices in its employment programs.

Contracts over $50,000 require the contractor to post in conspicuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, notices provided by the contracting state agency that set forth the provisions of the State of Wisconsin nondiscrimination clause; and submit an affirmative action plan to Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF). The report includes demographics of its staff in comparison to the demographics in its geographical area. Certain exemptions may apply.

This requirement passes down to subcontractors. If a contractor (or subrecipient) subcontracts with another entity for more than $50,000, that entity is also subject to the requirements for posting the nondiscrimination clause and submitting an affirmative action plan or exemption to DCF. The primary contractor is responsible to ensure the subcontractor complies with this requirement.

Forms and Instructions

Forms, and instructions for completing them, can be found on the DOA Contract Compliance site:

DOA Contract Compliance

Submission of Materials

Plans are due 15 days after the start of the contract. All affirmative action plans or exemption requests, from either primary contractors or subcontractors, should be submitted to:

Direct all questions to this email address. For questions we are unable to answer, we will refer the question to someone who can.

Reporting Period

Once your plan or exemption is on accepted, it satisfies the reporting requirement for three (3) years or until the end of the contract, whichever is longer.  Further reporting should not be required until then.