WWP Modernization Project

What is the WWP Modernization Project?

The Wisconsin Work Programs (WWP) modernization project is a multi-year project to modernize the Work Programs subsystem of the CARES mainframe system. The current Work Programs subsystem is built on outdated technology. The new WWP system is a user-friendly online portal that will eventually replace the Work Programs subsystem of CARES. The first phase of the project, including enrollment and informal assessment functionality, was implemented on February 23, 2019.

As workers around the state that administer our employment programs logon into WWP, they will have at their fingertips a new modern automated system that will assist them in enrolling participants in our programs. This first phase of WWP allows workers to easily, efficiently, and intuitively gather unique information about applicants such as their work history, education, strengths, and challenges. This information will help workers put program participants on a realistic path to employment and, ultimately, the ability to support their families. Modernizing the technology used to capture work program data takes advantage of current technology solutions. Navigation, data entry (no more codes!), and data quality are all improvements in WWP, and there are links to commonly used forms, websites, and reports.

In the first release, the existing informal assessment process has been enhanced to provide case managers with more information to make case management decisions. The enhanced informal assessment in WWP provides more data to guide future policy decisions and program design. In the final release, the employability plan and WPR tracking will also be redesigned to make case management simpler and improve participant outcomes.

wwp logo

WWP Phase 1:

Successfully Implemented February 23, 2019

Useful Links

Video: A Conversation with Jared Steffen, WWP Software Designer

This video highlights the need for new case management software. Jared discusses important design principles like “Value the user’s time” that are the backbone of the WWP software development. He also discusses how essential feedback from W-2 agency staff was to the development team.

Video: A Conversation with Heidi Hammes, WWP Business Lead

Heidi Hammes has spent countless hours determining requirements for the WWP software and coordinating input and feedback to the WWP development team to create a robust and easy-to-use online software. In this video, hear her talk about the history of CARES and previous attempts to modernize WWP. Heidi also discusses how case management will benefit from a modernized case management software including an enhanced informal assessment process and streamlined Employability Plan and activity assignment process.

New Features in the WWP Informal Assessment Workflow

Information collected during an informal assessment will now be captured in the Wisconsin Work Programs system, or WWP. The informal assessment workflow in WWP had evolved from CARES with several new features:

  • Easy Navigation: WWP has a navigation menu so you can quickly jump to a different item in the informal assessment inventory. Each page in the new workflow has drop-down menus so you can quickly enter information. No more memorizing codes or having to look them up, which allows you to focus more on the conversation you’re having with participants.
  • Dig Deeper: Most pages in the WWP informal assessment workflow include next-level questions to help you dig a little deeper and gather additional information. Instead of just asking participants if they are a veteran, WWP allows you to add the military branch, dates, discharge type, and skills and training obtained in the service. The housing page asks about previous housing situations and helps you determine if participants are at-risk for losing housing or utilities. This level of detail is required as part of the informal assessment inventory.
  • Contacts: In WWP, you can store contact information related to each case. As you learn about other programs that participants work with, you can track the contact person and information regarding that program on the appropriate page, making it easier to coordinate services.
  • Links: Another great benefit of WWP is interactive links. You can access commonly used forms, such as the Release of Information form. And, you’ll find links to outside websites, such as the DMV.
  • Action Items: As you proceed through the informal assessment, you can add follow-up tasks for both you and the participants. It’s easier than ever to keep track of who needs to do what, and when the task is due.