Referrals and Transfers
By default, the “Referrals and Transfers” tab of the “Worker Homepage” will show a list of all the participants in “Referred” status for the programs you have access to:
This list will allow you to see which participants need to be enrolled. If your program allows transfers and participants were recently transferred to your agency/office, they will be displayed here too.
You can click on a PIN to access the “Participant Summary” page for that PIN.
Some additional functions available on the “Referrals and Transfers” tab are listed below.
- Sort Order
By default, the participants on the “Referrals and Transfers” page are sorted in reverse chronological order by referral date. Recently transferred participants will be displayed at the top of the list.
You can click on the “Sort” button, as shown below, to reverse the sort order.
- Searching
You can search for a participant by name or PIN using the search bar in the upper right:
- Refresh Information
Click the “Refresh Information” button to see an updated list of participants referred or transferred to your office/agency.