Children First and Elevate Participation Tracking 

Participation Tracking is a case management tool to monitor progress and completion of assigned activities for participations. Participation Tracking can occur on Children First and Elevate individuals enrolled in WWP with assigned activities on an active Employability Plan. 

Once a participant is selected, Participation Tracking and Good Cause are tracked from the Participation Tracking Menu option.

Viewing Children First and Elevate Tracking Calendar

For Elevate, select ELEVATE Tracking:

elevate tracking

For Children First, select Children First Tracking:

children first tracking

Upon selecting Children First or ELEVATE Tracking, a calendar view of participants’ assigned activities displays and defaults to the current month. Future months are populated with activities automatically at the beginning of each new month.  You can navigate to different months by clicking the arrow buttons.

calendar view

WWP displays the activity information from the Activity Scheduler section of the Participant’s assigned activities on the EP.  It uses the frequency and day information entered to display the two-letter activity codes and number of hours assigned on the corresponding calendar days. 

Entering Daily Participation

You can enter participation for only the current or past dates. WWP turns the activity code blue when you can make a participation entry.

When you click on an activity code, the first two fields are Date and Scheduled Hours. This information auto populates and is not editable.

The next field, Did the participant complete this activity?, requires a Yes or No response.

daily participation

Answering Yes to this question and saving the page marks the activity as complete for the day.

completed yes

Answering No to this question displays additional optional fields.

completed no

You can select a reason from the Non-Participation Reason drop down to document why a participant did not complete the assigned activity. If you do not know the reason, leave this field blank and save the page.

After selecting a Non-Participation Reason, the Good Cause Granted? field displays.

Selecting either Yes or No displays the Worker’s Reason and Details fields. The options in the Worker’s Reason dropdown vary based on whether you select Yes or No for Good Cause Granted?.

good cause yes

The Details field becomes mandatory if the selected Worker’s Reason is either XX-Reason Does Not Meet Good Cause Policy or ZZ-Other Circumstances Beyond Participant‘s Control.

good cause no

Clicking Save returns you to the participation calendar. After entering participation, the calendar view changes to show the completed and not completed activities.

The black numbers represent the Scheduled Hours for that day. Per the worker’s entries, a red No indicates that the participant did not complete the activity. A green Yes indicates that the participant completed the activity.

completed and not completed activities

Recording Full or No Participation for a Calendar Week

The Children First and Elevate Tracking pages have additional functionality to make tracking participation easier. At the end of the week, which in WWP is Saturday, Full Participation and No Participation buttons appear on the left-hand column of the calendar.

You can click the Full Participation button to automatically update all of the hours completed to Yes for the week.

Likewise, you can click the No Participation button to automatically update all of the hours completed to No for the week. 

If you make individual participation entries for any activities within a week, the Full Participation and No Participation buttons go away.

full or no participation