Agency Summary This page displays the results of the applicant’s financial eligibility. It also requires information about the applicant’s financial need, the approved payment amount, and the application status. Financial Eligibility This section of the Agency Summary page details whether the EA Group has passed or not passed financial eligibility. It also includes the EA Group size, total income and assets entered on the Household Financials page, and whether the applicant had an approved EA payment within the past 12 months or has an IPV. Selected Emergency Types The type of emergency entered on the Emergency Type page automatically displays and is read only. Select the Reason for the emergency from the drop-down menu. Select the Verification provided by the applicant for the emergency from the drop-down menu. Financial Need Select the applicant’s financial need from the drop-down menu. Enter the amount the applicant is requesting to meet their financial need. Additional needs can be entered by clicking the +Add Need button. Total Financial Need This section automatically enters the total need based on the information entered for the applicant’s financial need. This field is automatically populated and is read-only. Maximum Payment Amount This is the amount the applicant is eligible for based on their EA group size and type of emergency. This field is automatically populated and is read-only. Lesser Amount This the lesser amount from the Total Financial Need and the Maximum Payment Amount. This field is automatically populated and is read-only. Approved Payment Amount Enter the approved amount for the applicant. This should be the amount in the Lesser Amount field. Application Status Select the appropriate application status from the drop-down menu. There are several options to choose from: In-Progress – This is the default value. Click Save+Exit to save the information. Approved – This should be used when the application has been approved. The Approved Payment Amount must be entered when an application is approved. When the Application Status is changed from Pending to Approved, a Housing Confirmation Verification drop-down menu displays and is required when Homelessness or Impending Homelessness is an emergency type. Select the appropriate verification received from the applicant, which could include a new lease, etc. The green submit button must be clicked to submit the EA application. Upon clicking submit, an EA approval notice is sent to the applicant. Denied – This should be used when the applicant has been denied EA. A Reason field displays, and a reason for the denial must be selected from the drop-down menu. Upon clicking submit, an EA denial notice is sent to the applicant. Pending – This should be used when the applicant is being approved for an EA payment, but a payment delay exists. A Reason field displays, and a reason for the pending the application must be selected from the drop-down menu. Upon clicking submit, an EA pending notice is sent to the applicant. Withdrawn – This is used when the applicant withdraws their application. A Reason field displays, and a reason for the applicant withdrawing his or her application must be selected from the drop-down menu. Upon clicking submit, an EA withdrawn notice is sent to the applicant.