Job Readiness The “Job Readiness” page allows you to add, view and maintain details associated to a participant’s job readiness preparedness for employment. The page allows you to document answers to questions associated to the job readiness assessment. Workers can access the "Job Readiness" page by selecting the "Job Readiness" button via the Case Management menu. Below you will find additional information on what you should expect to see: Accessing the Job Readiness page - Case Management To access the "Job Readiness" page, select the participant then navigate to the Case Management menu and click on "Job Readiness". The “Job Readiness” page is opened which lists a series of questions divided into sections related to Work Preferences, History, Applications, Interviews, and Contacts. These five sections are on one page and illustrated separately. Additionally, the information collected can help you determine what follow up steps to take with the participant. You can track these action items using the "Action Needed app". To see detailed information about specific sections, see the accordion tabs under Editing Job Readiness Details below. Adding, Saving, and Viewing Job Readiness Details Initially all fields of each section will be empty. Certain fields of each section are required for completion of the participant’s job readiness assessment. If a worker cannot complete the “Job Readiness” page in one appointment, a feature is available to allow workers to save in progress answers without losing any partial data. When worker clicks [Save] button, WWP will validate whether any fields are invalid or incomplete. When fields do not pass the validation, three results will occur. Error messages will be displayed in red at the top of the page. The specific fields associated to the errors will be highlighted in red. The [Save] button will be replaced with the [Save with Errors] button. When worker returns to the “Job Readiness” page the red messages, highlighted fields, and [Save with Errors] button will remain and only be removed when the worker corrects the errors. Editing Job Readiness Details Once responses are recorded, they remain until they are updated/edited. There is no history mechanism associated with this page. The worker can update responses at any time. Work Preference Questions The following are Work Preferences questions and what is needed for worker entry. You will be required to enter the following information. Optional entry fields are underlined: What kind of a job would you like? What about that job interests you? What kind of training or experience do you think you might need for that job? Can you name some places (companies or organizations) where that job may be available? – either “Details” field or “Unknown” checkbox must be completed. Are there any work situations or jobs you prefer to avoid? What is your ideal work schedule? – select from a multi select dropdown for "Workshifts". At least one value must be selected. Available selections are: First Second Third Rotating Mornings Afternoons Evenings Weekends "Begin Time" and "End Time" fields are optional. "Details" field is optional. How far are you willing/able to travel to get to work? Travel Time: Distance from Home to Work: History Questions The following are history questions and what is needed for worker entry. You will be required to enter the following information: Tell me about your last job. Tell me about a time you felt proud of something you accomplished. What are your greatest strengths? What areas would you like to improve on? Application Questions The following are application questions and what is needed for worker entry. You will be required to enter the following information. Optional entry fields are underlined: Are you comfortable submitting an online job application? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have a current resume and a cover letter? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have three personal or professional references for a job? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have the documents needed for employment (such as a social security card)? - select “Yes”, “No”, or “Unknown”. Details: optional entry field. Interview Questions The following are interview questions and what is needed for worker entry. You will be required to enter the following information. Optional entry fields are underlined: Tell me about your last job interview. Is there anything you would not want a potential employer to see on your Facebook or other social media? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have an outfit to wear to a job interview? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Contact Questions The following are contact questions and what is needed for worker entry. You will be required to enter the following information. Optional entry fields are underlined: Do you have a phone number that employers can use to contact you? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have access to voice mail or text messages on this phone? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Do you have an email address that employers can use to contact you? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details: optional entry field. Can you access your email on a daily basis? - select “Yes” or “No”. Details:optional entry field. You will notice there is a link provided to the Wisconsin Lifeline Phone Brochure in this section. This program can help low-income customers decrease their telephone bills by reducing the basic monthly charge for one telephone line. Action Needed app Use the “Action Needed app” to track tasks related to the “Job Readiness” page for either you or the participant. You will see some suggested tasks listed on the page: Refer for Career Services Refer for Clothing Resources Refer for Wisconsin Lifeline Phone Service As always, there is an “Other” option where you can record a task that is not listed above. See the "Action Needed app" page for more details.