KPI - Child Welfare

Child Welfare Key Performance Indicators Dashboard

Use the tabs at the top of the dashboard to move through the different topic areas. Use the filter features assosiated with each view to further customize results shown.

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IA Dashboard - BPM

Initial Assessment (IA) Dashboard

View the the IA dashboard to see information on the Initial Assessment quality review process.

Performance data - DMS

Effective Services and Accountable Government Performance Dashboards

The vision of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is that all Wisconsin children and youth are safe and loved members of thriving families and communities. We reinforce that vision with our priority of fostering a workplace where agency staff feel engaged, valued, and connected to our vision.

Performance Data - child welfare

Child Welfare Performance Dashboards

The vision of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is that all Wisconsin children and youth are safe and loved members of thriving families and communities. We reinforce that vision with our priorities of:

Performance Data - DFES

Family and Economic Security Performance Dashboards

The vision of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is that all Wisconsin children and youth are safe and loved members of thriving families and communities. We reinforce that vision with our priority to put families in the center of successful child support and good-paying jobs programs.

Performance Data - Child Care

Child Care Performance Dashboard

The vision of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families is that all Wisconsin children and youth are safe and loved members of thriving families and communities. We reinforce that vision with our priority to systematically increase access to quality early care and education programs that support the needs of children and families statewide.

Performance Data Home

DCF Performance Data (Key Performance Indicators)

Agency Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a set of metrics used to measure performance over time and help gauge if the Department is meeting its strategic goals and mission. Through the use of data-driven dashboards and reports, Key Performance Indicators are designed to provide information for strategic decision-making and results-oriented improvement efforts. The Bureau of Performance Management (BPM) supports and manages the KPI dashboards on behalf of the Department.

Refugee Services Data


Refugee Cash Assistance Program (RCA)

Refugee Cash Assistance is a federally funded benefit program which provides temporary assistance to help refugees become self-sufficient during the period immediately after arrival in the United States.