Sign Up for Bureau of Working Families Information and Updates

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) uses these e-mail lists to communicate the following information:

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  • BWF Operations Memos. These memos are sent from BWF to agency staff that administer Wisconsin Works (W-2), Job Access Loans (JALs), Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ), Transitional Jobs (TJ), Emergency Assistance (EA), and the Refugee Assistance Program (RAP). These memos describe policy clarifications and changes for these programs.
  • DFES Administrator’s Memos. These memos are sent from the Division of Family and Economic Security (DFES) Division Administrator to agency directors and staff to provide contract-related information for administering W-2, JALs, TMJ, TJ, EA, and RAP. DFES Administrator’s Memos also provide information for Child Support Agencies and Children First Agencies.
  • W-2, EA, and TJ/TMJ Manuals. These manuals contain policies and procedures used by W-2 agency workers who determine eligibility, provide case management services, and issue payments for the W-2, EA, and TJ/TMJ programs. Emails are sent to notify subscribers of updates to these manuals.
  • BWF System Updates. These updates are sent from BWF to agency staff that administer W-2, JALs, TMJ, TJ, EA) and RAP and other case management programs administered through Child Support. These updates describe changes and enhancements to related systems such as CARES/CWW, BRITS, ACCESS, MyACCESS, and WWP.


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