Statewide Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline Overview: The Statewide Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline (Helpline) has been in existence since 2003. The Helpline provides immediate, 24-hour access to safe and confidential assistance, support, information and referral for Hmong survivors of domestic abuse, as well as concerned family, friends, and community partners. The Helpline is an important part of an overall strategy to promote “language justice” for domestic abuse survivors. Language justice is an evolving framework based on the notion of respecting every individual’s fundamental language rights—to be able to communicate, understand, and be understood in the language in which they prefer and feel most articulate and powerful. The Helpline serves as an important complement to Hmong domestic abuse advocacy services across the state. Although numerous domestic abuse programs do have Hmong advocates, many do not have bilingual/bicultural services that are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Additionally, the Helpline is a resource for Hmong survivors who may not yet feel safe or comfortable approaching a local program for services and prefer anonymous assistance. Anticipated Posting: Quarter 2 2025 Anticipated Posting Site: eSupplier