Household Financials
This page gathers information about the applicant’s income, financial assets and vehicles.
- Type of Income
Type of Income is a free-form field; however, be specific in the type of income the applicant is reporting. For example, if the applicant has income from employment at Walgreens, enter Walgreens Employment in the field. If the individual has no income, check the box No Income. Verification of the income is required.
- Verification
Use the drop-down menu to select the verification the applicant submitted. If you need to request verification, select Pending Verification from the dropdown list.
- Group Member
Ensure you only enter income that should be counted for the EA Assistance Group. WWP will count all income entered.
Financial Assets
- Type of Asset
Type of Asset is a free-form field; however, be specific in the type of asset the applicant is reporting. For example, if the applicant has a Checking account, enter Checking account in the field. If the applicant has no assets, check the box No Assets. Verification of the asset is required.
- Verification
Use the drop-down menu to select the verification type or Pending Verification.
- Asset Owner
Select the Group Member for whom the asset belongs from the drop down. You can add additional types of assets or a joint asset owner by clicking the + Add Asset button.
- Type of Vehicle
Type of Vehicle is a free-form field; however, be specific in the type of vehicle the applicant is reporting. For example, if the applicant has a car, enter the make and model of the car in the vehicle field. If the applicant has no vehicle, check the box No Vehicle.
- Verification
Use the drop-down menu to select the verification the applicant submitted.
- Vehicle Value
Use the KBB Value Look-up or the Nada Value Look-up link on this page to determine the applicant’s vehicle value and the verification for the vehicle value.
- Amount Owed
If the applicant owes money on their vehicle, you must verify and enter the amount owed.
- Verification
Use the drop-down menu to select the verification type or select Pending Verification.
- Vehicle Equity
This automatically calculates the equity for the vehicle. The total calculates the value of the vehicle minus the amount owed.
You can add additional types of vehicles by clicking the + Add Vehicle button.
- Total Vehicle Equity
This amount automatically populates from the section above and is the sum of vehicle Equity fields. This field is read-only.
- Disregard
The auto-populated dollar amount is the disregarded amount for Emergency Assistance for an applicant’s combined vehicle asset amount. This field is read-only.
- Total Vehicle Equity Counted Towards Assets
The amount calculated here is the Total Equity Value minus the Disregarded amount. This is the amount Emergency Assistance calculates for the group’s vehicle assets. This calculation is automatically done based on the information entered for the group’s vehicle information. This field is read-only.
Total Assets
This amount is the total assets of everything entered for the applicant on the Household Financials page. This is the amount used to determine if the applicant meets financial eligibility. This field is read-only.