Worker Task List The Worker Task List in WWP provides a place for a worker to track important things that may need to be done or reviewed for a participant. These tasks can be either manually created by the worker, or automatically generated by the system. Reviewing the Worker Task List To access the tasks list for a worker, click on the Worker Tools menu option at the top of the screen and then select the Worker Task List option. All open worker tasks, both manual and system generated display. This list includes all tasks associated to participants currently assigned to the worker. Once a task has been completed, it will be removed from this list the next time the Worker Task List is accessed. The Search and Sort section at the top of this page allows narrowing down of tasks by the following options: Search Find and filter task by matching on any data item associated with the task Category Type Find and filter task just by specific type Sort Arrange tasks by Priority and Date If no priority listed for the task, then just by Date Worker View tasks by specific worker Supervisor/QC role availability only Manual/System Filter tasks based on how they were created Each task entry can list the following detail: Participant Name and PIN You can click this information to jump to the participant’s summary Date Date the task was created Category Type The kind of task A list of all category types can be found in the training listed below Due Date When the task should be completed Optional Priority Importance of the task Optional Manual or System How the task was created [Circle] – Quick Complete Immediately mark the task as complete Completed tasks are removed from this list the next time this is accessed [Worker in a Circle] – Reassign Reassign this task to another worker [Pencil] - Edit Edit this task Only available for Manual Tasks Adding a Manual Task When a participant is enrolled in a program, the + Add Worker Task button is available from the left-hand side of the screen from the Participant Summary page, as well as most of the Case Management pages. Once selected, the Add Worker Task window opens. Available fields: Task Category Choose the type of task being created from the drop down A list of all category types can be found in the training listed below Required Task Description Detail out what needs to be completed for this task Required Due Date Date by which the task should be completed Optional Priority Set the importance of the task Will aid in sorting task from the Worker Task List Optional Editing a Task If a manual task needs to be updated, clicking the [Pencil] Edit button from the task list opens the task allowing for changes to be made. Additionally, manual task can also be Cancelled or Completed in the Task Status field. Completing a Task There are two ways tasks can be completed. The [Circle] Quick Complete button can be used for manual and system generated tasks from the Worker Task List. The task will be completed and removed from this list the next time it is accessed. For manual tasks, the [Pencil] Edit button can be used to edit the task and the Task Status can be set to Complete. Completed tasks are removed from the Worker Task List the next time it is accessed. Important notes: Tasks can only be manually created when a participant is enrolled in a program When disenrolled from all programs, most tasks will automatically complete Related PTT training: Find more about EPs in the PTT Learning Center. W-2 Alerts and Worker Task List Reference Guide