The purpose of the “Clearance” screen is to determine whether an applicant is known to WWP, CARES or other state systems.
You can access “Clearance” through the “Worker Tools” menu:
From there, you will need to enter the following required data elements:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
You will need to enter an SSN – Social Security Number – or select “No SSN”.
After entering the required information and clicking the “Find Matches” button, WWP displays potential matches between the applicant and existing individuals in CARES or other state systems
WWP displays the name, date of birth, Social Security Number, gender, and score for each potential match. Any non-matching data elements will be red.
If no match is found, a PIN for an individual unknown to the system will be created if the worker selects New Record.
If matches are 97% or higher, a matched individual must be selected. There will be no option to select New Record. Before selecting the matched individual, make sure that the details (SSN, name, DOB) match the applicant. If only the SSN matches, there will be a 97% match, but the individual should not be selected unless name and DOB also match.
Click on a match to select it, then click the “Client Registration” button.