We want the Department of Children and Families website, social media accounts, and other communication channels to reflect all the great things going on throughout the state, but we need your stories to do it! Here are some of the things we are looking for:
Ready to submit? Provide us with a short summary of who, what, when, where and why. The DCF Communications Office and tribal liaison will review all submissions for consideration and reach out via email for more information and photos.
Both adults and minors are required to complete a visual information release form in order for us to utilize any personal information, photographs, video or other visual information. Please ensure you download, complete, and attach the adult and/or minor releases(s) with your submission.
Personal information you provide may be used for secondary purposes [Privacy Law, s. 15.04(1)(m), Wisconsin Statutes].
For questions about this form, please contact DCF's Communications Office.