WISDOM Employment Programs Report Catalogue 

The catalogue below contains active reports found within the WEBi WISDOM Employment Program folders. This catalogue and corresponding WEBi folders are maintained by the Bureau of Analytics and Research (BAR). To request reports, research, or information, email DCFDFESBARRequest@Wisconsin.gov

Catalogue Information

  1. Program: the Bureau of Working Families (BWF) program that the report focuses on. 
  2. Name: the report name as it displays in WEBi. 
  3. Purpose: a description of the report and possible use. 
  4. WEBi location: the detailed folder path in WEBi.
  5. Report link: if the user is already logged into WEBi, the report link will open the report. 
  6. Helpful information: the additional or historical information about the report, program, or source system. 
  7. Report catalogue: hover over the column headers to view a short description of what type of information is displayed there.
Program Name Purpose Webi location Helpful information
Elevate Elevate Report 01: Participants for IRP Survey   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Elevate  
Emergency Assistance EA 01 Emergency Assistance Details Approved, Denied, Withdrawn, In Progress, Pending EA applications, displayed by contract agency and application worker. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021) Updated format in July 2023
Emergency Assistance EA 02 Emergency Assistance Monthly Timeliness Processing Timely and Untimely applications by contract agency.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 03 Emergency Assistance Payments Payment amount by contract agency, summary totals, daily, and details including by payee. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 04 Emergency Assistance Applications/Applicants Count by Month Number of applications and applicants by contract agency and region. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 05 Emergency Assistance Application Status History Application status (In Progress, Pending, Approved, Denied) by contract agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 06 Emergency Assistance Application Pending or In Progress Beyond in Days Application pending or in progress by days by contract agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 06b Emergency Assistance Application Pending or In Progress Beyond Deadline Date Applications pending or in progress by deadline and days by contract agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 07-Emergency Assistance Timely Application Processing Summary Applications processed timely by month, by contract agency. Summary and Detailed data available.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA 08-Emergency Assistance Applications Pending with a Payment Delay Exception Applications by worker that are pending.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Emergency Assistance EA Report 14: Emergency Assistance Applications By Month [WWP] Number of applications by month, by contract agency, Balance of State vs. Milwaukee. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs/Emergency Assistance/New EA System (Beginning 1/1/2021)  
Job Access Loans BV012 – Aging of JAL Receivables Details outstanding loan amount, outstanding loan time, by state, county, and office.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Job Access Loans BV242 - JAL Claims with Refund Due by Agency   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Job Access Loans BV266 - JAL Collections By Agency by Payment Source This report shows JAL repayment transactions that have occurred during the month(s) selected in the report prompt that says “Transaction Month” by type, and amount by state summary, county, office, and details. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Job Access Loans BV268 - State JAL Collections By Originating Agency by Payment Source Details collection amount, transaction, type, and amount by state summary, county, office, and details. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL) Similar to BV266, except the query has an additional filter that is limiting the transactions to only ones that show a “Transaction County Number Equal To 99”. CWW database tables were reviewed  and there is no explanation. It is unclear what the acronym “DES” stands for, so that remains a mystery. It may be referring to JAL loan recipients who are making loan repayments directly to the state DCF office, instead of to the W-2 agency. DES is the Division of Economic Support. The Division was under the Department of Health * Social Services back in the '90s before the creation of DCF and DHS. W-2 was under DWD for a while before DCF was created. 
Job Access Loans BV272 - Job Access Loan Claims Details claim status (closed, denied, held, open, write off) by state summary, county, office, and details. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL) This report displays all of the Job Access Loans for each claim status. The prompt to select the report period will include all of the claims regardless of status going back to the beginning of the JAL program in 1997.
Job Access Loans BV292 - Newly Established Claim Summary This report displays all of the new Job Access Loans that have a claim status of “Open” during the time period specified in the report prompt which says “Open From:” (i.e. the report begin date) and “Open To:” (i.e. the report end date) by state summary, county, office, and details. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL) The prompt which says “Report Date As Of:” refers to when the data was last refreshed from the CWW application, so in most cases this prompt should use the date of the current end-of-month. The only time a different date would be used is in the case of accounting reconciliation or other purposes where a previous historical snapshot of the account ledger needs to be viewed to know what the claim amounts were at a specific point-in-time, rather than the most recent amounts.
Job Access Loans BV410 - JAL Refund Issuance Report By Agency  This report details the refund issuance information, including refund type, count, and amount.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Job Access Loans BV462 - JAL Payment Reversals and Refunds By Agency  This report details payment reversals and refunds by agency, worker ID, reason code, and amount.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Job Access Loans JAL Spending Target Report This report details the target spending by contract agency. It also provides percent spent and remaining dollars.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Job Access Loans (JAL)  
Refugee Programs W2 # W-2 Refugee Participants Leaving W-2 Participant time in US, Employment, Employers, and Case Management/Placement. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / Refugee Programs  
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 01: Caseload Report  Participants enrolled in the TMJ TJ program including summary and detail. The detail includes enrolled and disenrolled statuses, enrollment dates, participant PIN, contract agency, county, and region. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 01b: New Enrollments By Month Participants enrolled in the TMJ TJ program including summary and detail. The detail includes enrolled status, enrollment dates, participant PIN, contract agency, county, and region. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 02: Performance Milestone Details  This report provides summary and detail level data on counts of enrollments by contractor and county. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 03: Performance Milestone Summary  This report provides summary and detail level data on counts of enrollments by contractor and county. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 04: Participant Details  This report includes detail information on each participant.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 05: Activity Details  This report includes participant activity information. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Transition Milwaukee Jobs and Transitional Jobs TMJ/TJ Report 06: Employment Details  Employment activity of TMJ TJ participants by job type, county, and contract agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / TMJ TJ Updated 4/17/2024
Wisconsin Works W2 #13 W2 AG Adults and Children, Program Combination, and Youngest Child Age Statewide counts of Adults and Children in the AG and by Program combination and number of youngest child by age. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / AG and Household  
Wisconsin Works W2 #16 W2 AG and HH Adults and Children by Race_Ethnicity, and Age Counts the number of characteristics of age and race for W-2 individuals, adults and children in the AG or HH. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / AG and Household  
Wisconsin Works W2 #18 W2 Households, W2 HH Adults and W2 HH Children Count of W-2 household, adults and children, statewide. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / AG and Household  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 01: W-2 Caseload Report [W2D] (Custom Months) W-2 placements statewide for your specific month selection, by county, contract agency, statewide, and Milwaukee v. Balance of State. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 02: Wisconsin Works Monthly Recipient Report  W-2 placements by contract agency and month that details participant benefit amount. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 03: W-2 Caseload Detail Report  W-2 placements by month, contract agency, contract region, FEP ID, or county that details participant details such as ethnicity, age, eligibility, placement, and time limits,.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 04: New, Ongoing, Returning W-2 Cases [W2D] This report details caseload counts by enrollment type (new, returning, ongoing, etc). Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 04: New, Ongoing, Returning W-2 Participants This report details caseload counts by enrollment type (new, returning, ongoing, etc). Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 05: W-2 Participant Characteristics (W2D) Counts of participants by age, race, education, payment, placement, number of children, license & vehicle, relationship status, and gender.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 06: W-2 Caseload by FEP [W2D] Caseload counts by FEP and FEPs with over 80 cases.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 07: Agency Summary Report This report dashboard show detail information about contract agency. The details included are participant demographics, placement types, and employability plans,. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports Only displays Budget Year up to 2021. Also know as Linda's Dashboard, this report was originally created as a dashboard for the MOS Section Chief to track many of the separate pieces of information that combine to create a “more complete picture” of each W-2 contract agency. It is by no means an all-inclusive report, but serves to answer some of the most commonly asked questions.
Wisconsin Works CL Report 08: Family Support Programs by Contract Agency Caseload counts by agency, paid vs. unpaid.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 09: W-2 Episodes Ending in a Month This report will display all Cases whose W-2 Episode ended for the selected month and Agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CL Report 11: W-2 Weekly Caseload Report [Custom SQL] Weekly caseload counts separating paid and total counts by agency, and balance of state vs. Milwaukee. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CMF+ Report 01: CMF+ Potentially Qualified Participants Report This report includes information about participants with a CMF code. A color flag presents if the Weekly Scheduled Hours are or are not met.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works CMF+ Report 02: CMF+ Monitoring Report This report includes information about participants with a CMF code. A color flag presents if the Weekly Scheduled Hours are or are not met.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Caseload Reports  
Wisconsin Works Employment Report 01: Employment History Detail (YTD) Report Participant employment detail. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Employment Reports  
Wisconsin Works Employment Report 01(b): Employments Participant employment detail including wage information, employer, and POP claim. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Employment Reports  
Wisconsin Works Employment Report 03: Employments    Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Employment Reports  
Wisconsin Works Employment Report 04: Open Employments This report includes information about participants with 2 or more open employments. Included in this is the employer name and job type. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Employment Reports  
Wisconsin Works Employment Report 06: W-2 Employment Details [WPASS Phase 2]   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Employment Reports  
Wisconsin Works W-2 Report 01: Served DTM Participant's Characteristics This report includes tabs that detail counts for vehicle and driver's license, employability plan, education, race and ethnicity, gender, age, and paid placement. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Participant and Individual  
Wisconsin Works Case Management Report - W-2 Participant Contact Information This report details participant contact information including, email, phone, preferred contact method, and time of day. This also includes placement and worker ID. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Participant and Individual  
Wisconsin Works Time Limits Report 02: W-2 Paid Placements with High Months Used W-2 Paid placements with high months used by Agency - Listing and Regions Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Participant and Individual  
Wisconsin Works W2 # W-2 Participants With Sanctions by Race-Ethnicity Summary and listing of W2 participants with sanction by race or ethnicity for a selected report month. Counts are for during the participation period (DTPP). Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Case Management / Participant and Individual  
Wisconsin Works Work Participation Report 01: WPR Details Report - July 2021 Onwards Work Participation Rate details by contract agency, placement, and family.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Federal Reporting / Work Participation Rate Incentives Replaces previous Fred Reports.
Wisconsin Works Work Participation Report 02: WPR by Contract Agency Summary - July 2021 Onwards This report provides Work Participation Rate summary information by contract agency, per quarter.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Federal Reporting / Work Participation Rate Incentives  
Wisconsin Works WWP #01 W2 Payments by Contract Agency – Statewide Summary only of statewide payments.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #01 W2 Payments by Office, County-Tribe, Milwaukee and Listing Detail of payments per county, region, or agency by payment type.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #02 W2 Vendor Payments by County-Tribe Summary and detail listing of vendor payments for W2 by county. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #03 W2 Issuances by County Total issuances of each county for the selected report month. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #05 W2 Auxiliary Payments Issued by Office by Case - Details Lists details on auxiliary payments issued by office for selected months for the report. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Job Access Loans WWP #14 Cancelled Job Access Loan Checks with Return to Madison Reason Checks returned by County, Contract Agency, participant, and amount. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #16 W-2 Returns Checks returned by County, Contract Agency, participant, and amount. This includes information as to whether it was returned by the post office.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #17 W2 Benefit Payments YTD Monthly Expenditures This report displays a calendar year view by month and contract agency of benefit payments. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #18 W2 Benefit Payments Monthly Expenditures This report displays a monthly view of contract agency by benefit type. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works WWP #19 W-2 Issuances Detail Total issuances of each county for the selected report month. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Benefits  
Wisconsin Works Cap Report 01: W-2 Capitated Payments Detail by Contract Agency for the Month This report displays both summary and detail data regarding capitated payments by contract agency. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM/Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Capitated Payments  
Wisconsin Works Cap Report 01b: W-2 Placements Closed By Batch Due to Lack of W-2 Eligibility This report includes both summary and detail data regarding placements closed. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM/Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Capitated Payments  
Wisconsin Works Cap Report 01c: W-2 Cases with Open Placement Episodes Pending for W-2 AG to be closed   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM/Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Capitated Payments  
Wisconsin Works Pop Report 12: Potential Long Term Job Attainment Participants Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome / CARES POP Reports  
Wisconsin Works Pop Report 13: W-2 Performance Outcome Claim YTD Summary by Contract Agency    Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome / CARES POP Reports  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Adjudication Report [Custom SQL] Summary and details data of adjudicate, returned, denied, history, and awaiting agency.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Budget Year Cross-Over Report [Custom SQL] This report details contract agency, claims, and budget year.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Claim Payment Report [Custom SQL] Version 2   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Claim Status Report [Custom SQL]   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Long-Term Participant Potential Claims Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Vocational Training and Educational Attainment Incentive SPARC Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: Year-To-Date SPARC POP Payment Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS POP: YTD POP Claim Quantity Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Wisconsin Works WPASS WPR Monthly Incentive Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Financial Data / W-2 Performance Outcome  
Learnfare Learnfare Caseload report This report includes counts, enrollment and disenrollment details.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring  
Wisconsin Works Wisconsin Works Alert Monitoring Report This report includes summary and detail listing of alerts and which agency the participant is enrolled in.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring  
Wisconsin Works Activity Report This report details the identifying details of the participants and the activities they are involved in. This includes the start date, end date, and current status of the activity.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Activity  
Wisconsin Works RP 740B-W2 Placement & Activities Summary Report    Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Activity  
Wisconsin Works WWP Monitoring Report: W-2 Activity Details [WPASS Phase 2] This report details the participants enrollment history and activities.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Activity  
Wisconsin Works Child Eligibility Status Report for Current W-2 Placements This report details county, contract agency, and FEP worker for the case with child information.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works Monitoring Report 02: Dynamic Search Tool - WPFN Replacement Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works Monitoring Report 03: Participants Without a Completed WWP Informal Assessment This report aids in identifying participants who have not submitted an informal assessment prior to an initial placement or within 10 days prior to, or on the day of, a placement change. It will allow W-2 agency staff to identify participants in need of an informal assessment. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works Monitoring Report 03b: Informal Assessment Submission History This report shows a history of informal assessment submissions in WWP and whether informal assessments for W-2 Referred or Enrolled participants were submitted on time or after the due date. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works Monitoring Report 05: W-2 Participant Education Details This report shows education data and test scores for participants only (or both parents in the case of a two-parent family). It does not show education data for children. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works RP Report #01 - Initial FEP Meeting for Applicants (Monthly) This report details the date of the application and the initial FEP meeting. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works Time Limits Report 01: Expiring Time Limits  This report helps determine who on the caseload will need to be evaluated for a 48-month extension due to the resetting of the 48-month state time limits. The report will run daily. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment Due to the method of construction, you may not be able to run this report for all agencies at one time. If you encounter an error informing you of a 1000 row limit, please choose fewer agencies. DO NOT MODIFY - contains custom SQL in the Magic Month query.
Wisconsin Works Time Limits Report 01: Expiring Time Limits - 48 Month Transition Report   Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment Due to the method of construction, you may not be able to run this report for all agencies at one time. If you encounter an error informing you of a 1000 row limit, please choose fewer agencies. DO NOT MODIFY - contains custom SQL in the Magic Month query.
Wisconsin Works W-2 SSN Monitoring Report This report details how participant's SSN are verified and citizenship.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works NP Report 01: W-2 Non-Participation, Good Cause, and Sanctions Monitoring Report This report contains participation details based on the participation period of individuals within a case regarding Non-Participation, Good Cause, and Sanctions.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Non-Participation This is a WebI report version of the NP/GC details page in WWP, but instead of agency staff only being able to view the participation details of one individual at a time, report users can see the participation details of multiple individuals.
Wisconsin Works W-2 Closed Cases Report This report provides counts of closed cases by contract agency.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Non-Participation  
Wisconsin Works W-2 Sanctions Monitoring Report [W2D] This report provides counts of sanctions, dollar amount of sanctions, missed hours, and details.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Non-Participation  
Wisconsin Works At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) Placement Report - Weekly This report details and summary data on At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) placements for monitoring. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Wisconsin Works At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) Placement Statewide Summary Report - Monthly This report of ARP Placements for selected months by contract agency, and statewide details of participants. Unduplicated Number Served. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Wisconsin Works CMC Placement Detail Reports This report details participant and contract agency information for length of stay 42 -56 days and greater than 56 days. There are tabs to separate balance of sate and Milwaukee.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Wisconsin Works CMC Placement Summary Reports This report details the youngest child's date birth compared to the date selected.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Wisconsin Works TEMP Monitoring Report This report includes summary counts, details by contract agency, and raw data of placements TMP, TNP, and TSP.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Wisconsin Works Timely Entry of 24 OR 60 Month Extension Requests Weekly Due Report (These Cases May Need 24 OR 60 Month Extension Requests) This report includes cases that may need 24 or 60 month extentions, and details county, contract agency, FEP ID, clock month number, and placement. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
All Employment Programs WP Report #103 CARES WP Auto Disenrollment Report This report is a list of transaction dates and PINs.  Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Placements  
Emergency Assistance  Access EA: Application Weekly Summary Tracking for applications for benefits called MyAccess from a smart phone. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Emergency Assistance Access EA: Applications Inbox Transaction History Tracking for applications for benefits called MyAccess from a smart phone. Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Application and Assessment  
Wisconsin Works RP 740C - W2 Full Participation Exception Report - office

This report includes participant information to identify the following:

  • Tab 1: Participants Not In W2 WP Office
  • Tab 2: Participants Not in 30 or More Hours of Assigned Activities
  • Tab 3: Participant is in Paid Slot without ‘WE’ Activity or Participant is in TMP without a ‘TB’ or ‘TV’ Activity or Participant is in TNP without an ‘NB’ or ‘NV’ Activity
  • Tab 4: Participant is Not Enrolled in any Activity for Achieving High School Diploma or Equivalent

Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Activity  This report is updated daily for preliminary and the final data loads at the end of the month for the previous report month. We have a similar statement at bottom of the report to indicate this. 
Wisconsin Works  RP 740Q - W-2 Placement & Activities Detail Report - 740Q and 740 TANF Merge

This report includes participant and FEP worker information to assist in managing EP End Date, Work Experience Hours, Job Search and Job Readiness Hours, Education Attainment Hours, and Avg. Scheduled Hours. This report excludes CMF and CM+ placements. 

The definitions for the Job Search and Job Readiness hours are defined under the All Placements tab near the bottom of the report.

Public Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Activity  This report is by the W-2 Participation Period Month. So for August 2023 preliminary month this covers the W-2 Participation Period of 7/16-8/15 and is loaded daily. So if changes go in today, they should reflect on the report tomorrow. The Final data loads at the end of the month for the previous report month. 
Wisconsin Works Refusal to Participate Report 01: Participants At Risk of Case Closure with 20 Percent or More Payment Reduction    Publics Folders / DCF / WISDOM / Employment Programs / W-2 Monitoring / Non-Participation  
Refugee Programs W-2 Refugee Participants and Employment Report  This report details participants of the Refugee Programs and W-2 Employment Programs. This report is a combination of both Refugee Employment report and the Refugee Participant report.  Public Folders / DCF /WISDOM /Employment Programs / Refugee Programs Updated 2/13/2024