Budget, Finance and Sustainability Committee 

woman putting a coin in a piggy bank

The Governor’s Council on Domestic Abuse works to make the issue of domestic abuse visible to the residents and policy makers of the State of Wisconsin. The Budget, Finance and Sustainability Committee of the Governor’s Council plays an important role in accomplishing this mission. The Committee’s work focuses on the following goals: 

  • Guide budget related projects and initiatives.
  • Identify and address issues related to budget and financial sustainability of domestic abuse programs.
  • Provide guidance to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) on the distribution of domestic abuse funding.
  • Advance recommendations for sustainable funding to assure a robust and responsive network of providers to meet the needs of DV survivors in Wisconsin.

Committee Members

Members represent a diverse group of people from around the state, council and non-council members alike. Current members include:

  • Sue Sippel*
  • Renee Schulz
  • Shannon Barry*
  • Suzi Schoenhoft 
  • Dr. Abdul Shour*
  • Katie Bement
  • Barb Fisher 
  • Jane Graham Jennings
  • Pam Johnson
  • Ann Kappauf
  • Deb Lee 
  • Angela Mancuso 
  • Liz Marquardt 
  • Teresa Nienow
  • Jaime Sathasivam
  • Robin Scott 
  • Alexandra Stanley 
  • Tegan Swanson 
  • Pa Thao
  • Antonia Vann
  • Milly Gonzales

*annotates council members


The Budget, Finance and Sustainability Committee has assisted in the research and development numerous council deliverables, including:

2024 Meetings and Materials 

The Budget, Finance and Sustainability Committee meets at least four times per year: February, April, June, and October. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the committee co-chairs. 

February 13, 2024 | 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 
April 9, 2024  | 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
July 9, 2024 
October 8, 2024

Agenda and public meeting notice will be posted at a later date. 

These dates may change due to unforeseen issues. All council meetings will be noticed at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting per Wis. Stat. § 19.84(3).

To view meeting materials from prior years, please visit our archive page


Disclaimer about council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DCF.