Voluntary and Long-Term Kinship Care and Subsidized Guardianship Services


The goal of child protective services is to keep children safe with their families and within their own homes. When that is not possible, the child may be placed voluntarily with a relative or like-kin (Kinship Care Program) or who are placed in court ordered out-of-home care with a relative or like-kin through Subsidized Guardianship.

While similar, Kinship Care and Subsidized Guardianship services have different needs and state/federal requirements. Because Subsidized Guardianship occurs after a CHIPS case (Child in Need of Protective Services) and the child must be removed from the home, the Contractor must be a Child Placing Agency (CPA). However, a consortium of providers is allowed so long as one is a CPA and the staff person(s) assigned to the SG program must be an employee of the CPA organization. One award will be made.

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