Independent Living Services - Regions 1, 5, & 7


Independent Living (IL) provides services for eligible youth in each county throughout the region. This includes relationship-building with, outreach to, and participation in transition planning for youth discharging from court-ordered out-of-home care (OHC), as well as direct services to young adults aged 18-23 who already exited OHC. 

Direct services include, but are not limited to, providing or coordinating assistance, services, connections, and referrals in the areas of education, employment, health and wellbeing, housing, and permanent connections. The IL program is intended to improve success, stability, and overall outcomes to young people with OHC experience.

Private or public agencies, either individually or in partnership with others in the same service area, are eligible to provide IL services. It is DCF’s intent to award one contract in each of the identified regions. 

Anticipated Posting: 

Quarter 2 2024

Anticipated Posting Site:
