photo of Jodi Strong smiling

Jodi Strong

Lead Teacher for the 4-Year-Old Classroom at Campus Child Center.

I will be starting my tenth year of teaching this fall. My mother was a preschool teacher and I grew up spending time in her classroom and seeing her in action! 

I do my best to serve my students by striving to make my classroom a place of laughter, comfort, and exploration! I want every child who comes to my room to feel that they are safe, loved, and free to learn and explore as they wish. Teaching young children is so dynamic and always changing! I frequently develop, pursue, and experiment with new methods based on the interests of my students. 

I am most proud of the relationships I have developed with my students. We have real conversations in our classroom – far beyond surface chit chat – so that they feel listened and heard. They are full of observations, questions, and stories about their homes and families.

I would like to see a continued push for the appreciation of early childhood care and teaching. The past months have showed us all how important early care is.