
Home > Module 9 - Sanctions/Enforcements > 3 - Suspension > 3.0 Suspension

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




3.0 - Suspension

Suspension means a temporary interruption in the regulatory approval. The authority to impose a “suspension” is provided under DCF 202.06 and s. 48.686.


Just as with a denial or revocation, the operator must be informed of the decision to suspend the certification in writing. The certification agency must inform the operator in writing of the operator’s right to appeal the decision and the agency’s steps in the appeal process.


There are numerous circumstances that may lead to the suspension of certification. The most common, however, include violations of DCF 202 or pending ‘serious’ charges in accordance with the background check law.


Note: The Enforcements Module in WISCCRS allows the certification worker to document the basis (or tag) for the suspension.  The notice of suspension must be uploaded in the Enforcements Module – Documents (If the notice contains confidential information the certification worker shall upload the notice in the Confidential Documents module).



3.1 Suspensions Related to Violations of DCF 202

3.2 Suspension Related to the Background Check Law

3.3 Notice of Suspension

3.3.1 Delivery of Suspension Notice

3.4 Impact of Suspension on an Operator's YoungStar Rating

3.5 Informing Parents of Suspension

3.6 Suspension with a Pending Expiration Date

3.7 Temporary Closure or Withdrawal of Certification in Lieu of Suspension

3.7.1 When Certification Expires During Temporary Closed Status

3.8 Lifting Suspension or Reopening After Temporary Closure

3.8.1 Lifting Suspension

3.8.2 Reopening After Temporary Closure

3.9 Suspension and WISCCRS Coding

3.10 Record Keeping



This page last updated 01/2020.