Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Wisconsin Shares Handbook
Renewals must be completed by the end of the 12-month eligibility period (timely renewal), or by the end of the 13th month (late renewal). Parents receiving Wisconsin Shares may initiate their annual renewal by contacting their local agency or through ACCESS. An interview must be completed in person or by telephone and a Case Summary must be generated and provided to the parent (see 3.3). Agency workers must also provide a copy of the Child Support and Good Cause Publication (DCF-P-5600) during the renewal process (see 4.7.3).
The agency worker must document a summary of the renewal interview and any outstanding verification requirements in case comments (see 12.1). At the time of the annual renewal, the household income must not exceed 85% State Median Income (SMI) (see 6.1.2).
A renewal is considered complete when the parent has completed the interview, provided a signature and all necessary verification, and eligibility is confirmed. If the annual renewal is not fully completed, including the signature, all verification items requested and eligibility confirmed, by the last day of the 13th month, the parent must reapply.
Example: Bianca’s annual eligibility renewal was due on March 31. She received a 45-day notice that her renewal was due by March 31 in mid-February. She did not complete her renewal by March 31 and eligibility systematically ended March 31. She received a Notice of Decision informing her that her Wisconsin Shares eligibility ended and did not receive any subsidy funds for April. On April 25, Bianca calls the local agency to complete her renewal. She does not have verification of income, so the agency worker pends for this information. The agency worker explains to Bianca that she must submit the verification to the agency with enough time for the worker to receive the verification and confirm eligibility before April 30 or Bianca will need to reapply. |
This section last updated 10/1/2023