Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Wisconsin Shares Handbook
Eligibility-related case comments must describe information from any contact with a parent that is relevant to their case. This includes applications, renewals, and reported changes. CWW provides comment boxes on several of the eligibility-related pages and a Case Comments page where all case comments are recorded.
The following information must be documented in case comments or comment boxes:
A summary of the interview at initial application and annual eligibility renewal, including a description of any outstanding verification requirements (see 3.3 and 3.8)
Missed appointments and unsuccessful attempts to contact the parent for a telephone interview (see 3.3)
The supervised living arrangement of a parent who is under the age of 18 and residing in an independent living arrangement that is approved by a licensed or public child welfare agency and supervised by an adult (see 4.2 and
The local agency’s determination that participation in basic education, postsecondary, or online basic or postsecondary education will facilitate the individual’s efforts to maintain employment (see,, and
Entry of an Activity Break Period following a reported permanent loss of or temporary break in approved activity (see 5.3.3)
The verification that was received that demonstrates the family exceeds the liquid asset limit (see 6.5)
The receipt of any form of verification that appears questionable or falsified (see 7.6)
The justification for applying the self-declaration for new employment policy (see 7.8.1)
Details of the phone conversation or email from collateral contact with an employer, child welfare professional, or other third party (see 7.9 and 9.2).
This section last updated 10/1/2023