Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Wisconsin Shares Handbook
When a parent applies for Wisconsin Shares, the agency worker must schedule the interview to occur no later than five (5) business days after the receipt of the application. Parents must complete an interview during the application and renewal process. In a two-parent household, either parent can complete the interview.
Interviews may be held either face-to-face or by telephone. The agency worker must hold a face-to-face interview if requested by the parent.
For telephone interviews, the agency worker must contact the applicant at the scheduled interview time using the telephone number that was confirmed in the interview appointment notice.
If the first attempt to contact the applicant is unsuccessful, the agency worker must attempt to contact the applicant again within 30 minutes of the first call. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, the agency worker must document in case comments (see 12.1) that the applicant was unavailable at the appointment time and indicate when the follow up call was made. A notice must be sent to the parent indicating that the agency worker attempted the interview and the parent was not available. This can be done through the Notice of Child Care Missed Interview (NCMI) when Integrated Client Scheduler (ICS) is used in CWW or through a manual notice.
During the interview, the agency worker must advise the parent of the items that need to be verified and the program reporting requirements. Agency workers must document a summary of the interview and describe any outstanding verification that is needed in case comments (see 12.1).
The interview must be documented in CWW on the Application/Review Interview Details page and a Case Summary must be generated after the interview is completed (see 12.1). Agency workers can wait until outstanding verification, such as income verification, has been received by the local agency before providing the parent with the Case Summary. This ensures that the information on the Case Summary that the parent receives is accurate. The Case Summary is essential for meeting the legal requirement that the parent has an opportunity to review and confirm that the information is accurate.
The agency worker must also provide the parent with a copy of the Child Support and Good Cause Publication (DCF-P-5600), regardless of whether the family is intact or if there is an absent parent. If the parent only has out-of-home placement children and there are no biological or adopted children in the household, the agency worker does not need to provide a copy of the Child Support and Good Cause publication to the parent.
This section last updated 10/1/2023