9.4.1  Transportation Services

The W-2 agency must provide transportation assistance services to applicants and participants when it is necessary to ensure participation in W-2 activities.

Transportation services provided may vary  by agency, based on the options in the area that are both available and reasonable. W-2 agencies must work together with applicants and participants to determine the types of transportation options that are reasonable to each individual’s needs. A reasonable transportation option must meet all of the following criteria:

·        The transportation option is safe;

·        All out-of-pocket transportation costs are reasonable with respect to the individual's income;

·        The one-way travel time between home, childcare, and work or activities is reasonable, as determined by the FEP and participant on a case-by-case basis; and

·        All relevant factors have been considered, (e.g., whether the option that is the most convenient and reliable also meets the other criteria). 



History: Release 24-13; Release 24-11; Release 24-10.