7.2.1  Unpaid Placements

Employment is the primary goal of the W-2 program.  Ideally, all W-2 participants end up in a placement related to unsubsidized employment. 

The following three placements are related to unsubsidized employment:

·        CMU is for employed applicants,

·        CMF or CMF+ is for participants who obtain unsubsidized employment while in W-2, and

·        CMJ is for individuals who are unemployed but are ready for unsubsidized employment.

Participants placed in case management positions are not subject to the 48-month federal TANF lifetime limit or the 60-month state W-2 lifetime limit.

Participants placed in case management positions are required to cooperate with Child Support. (See 15.3.1) However, participants in case management positions do not have to assign a portion of the Child Support payments to the state. (See 15.1.1)



History: Release 21-09; Release 18-02.