Home > Module 2 - Child Care Administration Contract - Certification > 3 Monitoring and Compliance Reviews > 3.0 - Monitoring and Compliance Reviews
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Early Care Regulation
Child Care Certification Policy Manual
The Department will monitor the certification agency’s general compliance and adherence to the terms of the Contract and the Scope of Services provisions. Monitoring may be conducted on a periodic basis or as otherwise determined by the Department. The Department reserves the right to monitor all aspects of the Contract, including (but not limited to):
Adherence to the terms and conditions of the Contract
Adherence to State and Federal laws governing the Contract
Adherence to fiscal reporting and cost allocation requirements
The Department may also monitor customer complaints regarding the operation of the program by the certification agency. The certification agency shall provide the Department with access to all customer records upon request. Additional information pertaining to monitoring of the certification agency’s general compliance and adherence to the terms of the contract can be found in the Contract Agreement.
This page last updated 10/2015.