Participants by Worker

By default, the “Participants by Worker” tab of the “Worker Homepage” will show a list of all the participants that are assigned to you:

Participants by Worker Tab

You can click on a PIN to access the “Participant Summary” page for that PIN.

Some additional functions available on the “Participants by Worker” tab are listed below:


You can search for a participant by name or PIN using the search bar in the upper right:

Search Bar

Sort Order

By default, the participants are shown in alphabetical order by last name. Click on “Sort” to switch the sort order to reverse alphabetical order by last name, as shown below:

Reverse Sort Order

You can use the same button to switch back to the original sort order.

Change Program Selected

If you have access to only one program, you will see it displayed, as shown below:

Change Program

If you have access to multiple programs – e.g., W-2, Learnfare, and Children First – both programs will be selected by default. You can use this dropdown to change which programs are displayed, if you only want to see participants from a specific program.

Select Another Worker

Select Another Worker

If you want to see participants assigned to another worker in your agency, you can use the dropdown shown below to select them:

Select Worker

See Also: