Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration

Wisconsin Shares Handbook



Appendix VIII Returning Funds


A retraction means funds are removed from a parent’s MyWIChildCare EBT card. Removing incorrectly issued funds from the parent’s EBT card can prevent an overpayment from occurring because the funds are returned to the department. Local agencies must submit all retraction requests to the Child Care Help Desk at childcare@wisconsin.gov.


Retraction Process FAQ

When should local agencies request retractions?

What needs to be included in the request? 


Voluntary Repayment Agreement (VPA)  

The VPA process occurs when a provider agrees to return funds to the Wisconsin Shares program. Providers cannot be compelled to return funds through the VPA process.

The VPA may only be used when the funds were paid to the provider. If the funds are still on the card, see Retractions.

If the provider elects to return the funds through a VPA, the provider must complete the Voluntary Repayment Agreement form (DCF-F-5178-E).


VPA Process FAQ

Question Answer
When should providers return funds through a VPA?

Providers can voluntarily return funds for the following circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Child was absent for 30 calendar days or more

  • Payment was made to an incorrect provider or incorrect provider location

  • Provider refused to care for the child or disenrolled the child

  • Provider was closed, except for closures listed in Section 14.9

  • Parent was ineligible for the funds paid to the provider

  • Provider received funds in error

  • Provider received more funds than the cost of care for the child (see 18.7)

Where should providers return VPAs? Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration (BCCSA), Program Integrity: Childcare@wisconsin.gov
How should providers return the VPA? Providers may return a VPA via mail, email, scan, or fax.
What happens when the VPA transaction is not successful? BCCSA will send providers a VPA Failure Notice with instructions on how to repay the funds to DCF.
Can providers mail the VPA to BCCSA with a manual check? Yes. See the Contact Us tab for BCCSA’s mailing address.
What if the provider refuses to use a VPA? A VPA cannot be enforced upon a provider. However, the local agency is responsible for determining if a referral or investigation is appropriate.


This section last updated 11/1/2024