Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration

Wisconsin Shares Handbook



Appendix V Red Flag Reports and Referrals

Provider Red Flag Reports  

Red Flag Reports are automatically generated reports available in WebI. The Red Flag Reports identify providers that may be violating a policy or where there is a reasonable suspicion of fraudulent activity. The findings from these reports are then utilized to generate possible referrals.  

Provider Red Flag Reports in WebI include (but are not limited to):  


Client Red Flag Reports  

Red Flag Reports identify potential program integrity issues. Each report identifies a set list of criteria that have been flagged for review. Local agencies should use these reports as a source of referrals for further review and to identify fraud trends. The Client Red Flag Reports are located in Web Intelligence (WebI).  

Reports include:   

The Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration (BCCSA) recommends local agencies prioritize reviewing the Expungement report and the Inactive EBT Cards For More Than 30 Days with a Balance Amount report. The Expungement report identifies cases where funds have aged off the EBT cards after not being used within a 90-day period. The Inactive EBT Cards For More Than 30 Days With a Balance Amount report identifies cards that have not been used for 30 calendar days and have a balance. After funds have aged off the card, they cannot be reissued.  

Local agencies must perform a detailed case review on cases identified in these reports. This includes interviewing parents and/or providers to determine if the authorized hours are correct. After reviewing the case and verifying that no payment to the provider is necessary, the local agency may end a child’s authorization and retract all subsidy funds in the parent’s account.



Provider referrals must be sent to the Child Care Fraud Mailbox at DCFMBCHILDCAREFRAUD@wisconsin.gov. Client investigation referrals must be entered into the Benefit Recovery Investigation Tracking System (BRITS) and screened prior to investigation. For additional client screening guidance, refer to the Client Referral Screening Process located in the Child Care Program Integrity Resource Library.  

The department and local agencies are responsible for establishing a tracking method for all provider-based referrals that include the source, the allegation, background information, and the resulting action. A provider referral tracking template is available in the Child Care Program Integrity Resource Library.  

When submitting a referral to the Child Care Fraud Mailbox, local agencies must include the referral reason, provider name or number, location number, client name or case number, date of incident, and contact information of complainant. If information is incomplete, please submit all information received from the complainant.   

Client Referral Examples   

Examples of scenarios that warrant a child care client referral include, but are not limited to:   


Provider Referral Examples  

Examples of child care provider fraud referrals that local agencies should submit to the Child Care Fraud Mailbox include, but are not limited to:   


This section last updated 11/1/2024