19.2.2  Eligibility for Transportation Services

All W-2 applicants and participants are eligible for transportation assistance, so long as the transportation is necessary for W-2 activities and childcare. W-2 applicants are eligible for transportation assistance only if the transportation is necessary for up-front job search activities and childcare. W-2 participants in any W-2 placement are eligible for transportation assistance only if the transportation is necessary for W-2 activities and childcare.

If the W-2 agency wishes to use W-2 funds to provide transportation assistance to individuals who are not in a W-2 placement or who are not assigned to up-front job search, (e.g. persons receiving assistance through the EA Program), then the individual must apply for W-2 and the FEP must place the person in a W-2 case management position or assign up-front job search.

W-2 agencies must provide public transportation resources whenever the services are available, and will reasonably meet the participant’s needs. In determining the best transportation alternative, the FEP must consider the reasonability criteria listed in 19.2.1. If public transportation is not available or reasonable, the W-2 agency may provide the participant with private or personal transportation resources. For example, the W-2 agency may pay for gas cards, private van services or refer the participant to the W-2 Job Access Loan program (Chapter 17). If public transportation is not an option, the W-2 agency must take whatever reasonable measures are necessary to overcome transportation barriers.   



History: There are no previous versions of this policy.