16.1.1   Goal and Requirements

The goal of Learnfare is to help children fulfill their potential in life by providing opportunities that will enable them to attend and complete school, obtain employment, and break the cycle of welfare dependency.  The Learnfare requirement to be enrolled in and attend school is balanced by the provision of case management, especially for at-risk children, to address barriers, maintain school enrollment, and improve attendance and achievement.

Learnfare has three program requirements:

1.             School Enrollment and Attendance.  Children in W-2 Groups are required to be enrolled in and attending school.

2.             Mandatory Case Management.  Members of certain target groups are required to participate in case management. (See 16.3.1)

"Attending” means that a child in the W-2 group has not been absent from school without an acceptable excuse for all or part of five or more days on which school is held during a school semester. A child that has been absent from school without an acceptable excuse for all or part of five or more days on which school is held during a school semester is considered a habitual truant. [Wis. Stat. s. 118.16(1)(a)]



History: Release 11-02.