12.2.13  Summary of Fact Finding Timelines

Below is a summary of the timeframes that must be adhered to throughout the Fact Finding process by the applicant, the participant, the W-2 agency or the Fact Finder:

·        An applicant or participant must request a Fact Finding Review within 45 calendar days from the mailing date of the Notice of Eligibility for JALs or W-2 services, or within 45 calendar days from the effective date of the decision announced in the notice, whichever is later.  

·        The W-2 agency must notify the Petitioner of the scheduled Fact Finding Review appointment within 3 working days after the date the request for Review is received by the agency.

·        The W-2 agency must schedule the Fact Finding Review within 8 working days from the date the request for Review is received by the agency.  

·        The Fact Finder must issue a decision within 5 working days after the Review date.

·        The Fact Finder must mail a copy of the decision by 1st class mail to the last known address of the petitioner on the same day a final decision is reached.  

·        The W-2 agency must comply with the Fact Finding decision within 10 calendar days after the decision date.  

·        The W-2 agency is required to enter Fact Finding information into the Fact Finding application in WWP by the 10th day of each month for the prior month.

If the Fact Finding Review is rescheduled (see 12.2.5), then the dates that the decision must be issued, mailed to the petitioner, acted upon and entered into WWP are moved back accordingly.



History: Release 23-08; Release 21-01; Release 11-03.