11.1.1  Applying Hourly Payment Reductions  Difficulty Completing Assigned Activities


CSJ and W-2 T participants must participate in all assigned work training activities or education and training activities outlined in the EP. Payments for CSJ and W-2 T participants who fail to participate in assigned activities are reduced by $5.00 per hour for hours missed without good cause. (See 11.2.1)  

If a W-2 participant cannot participate in an assigned activity, the agency must encourage the participant to call the FEP prior to the activity start time. This will help a participant to develop the skills needed to manage issues that arise and prepare for workplace expectations. However, the FEP must not penalize the participant if he or she fails to call the FEP prior to the activity time. A participant has 7 working days after an absence from a W-2 assigned activity to notify his or her worker of the reason for the absence. The FEP can then determine whether the reason meets one of the W-2 good cause reasons. (See 11.2.2)   

Participants placed in CMC and ARP placements are not subject to W-2 hourly payment reductions by the W-2 agency. CMC and ARP participants do not have participation requirements and cannot be subject to a payment reduction. Difficulty Completing Assigned Activities

On a regular basis, a FEP must work with participants who are not attending scheduled W-2 activities to identify any barriers that might exist and take steps to address those barriers.

A pattern of nonparticipation without good cause is one reason the FEP may consider completing the WWP Informal Assessment, as it is helpful in guiding the conversation about potential barriers and service needs. (See 5.2.3)

In addition, W-2 informal assessment policy requires FEPs to conduct ongoing informal assessments, which includes discussing with the participant any underlying causes of nonparticipation. The FEP and participant must discuss the appropriateness of the assigned activities, the need for additional supportive services, and the provision of accommodations that will allow the individual to participate. (See 5.2.1)



History: Release 19-02; Release 13-03; Release 11-04.